Order Following Appeal On Denial Of Application For Concealed Weapon License Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Order Following Appeal On Denial Of Application For Concealed Weapon License Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Appeals Statewide.
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Tags: Order Following Appeal On Denial Of Application For Concealed Weapon License, CC 80, Michigan Statewide, Appeals
Approved, SCAO Original - Court 1st copy - County clerk 2nd copy - Appellant Additional copies as needed STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY Court address Appellant's name, address, and telephone no. ORDER FOLLOWING APPEAL ON APPLICATION FOR CONCEALED WEAPON LICENSE CASE NO. Court telephone no. County clerk's name, address, and telephone no. v Appellant's attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no. THE COURT FINDS: 1. Thenoticeofstatutorydisqualification a. was was not arbitrary and capricious b. was was not clearly erroneous. 2. The failure to provide a receipt under MCL 28.425b(1) a. was was not arbitrary and capricious b. was was not clearly erroneous. 3. The failure to issue a license a. was was not b. was was not 4. The appeal is frivolous. IT IS ORDERED: 5. The appeal is denied. 6. The County name MCL 28.425b(9) MCL 28.425l(3) arbitrary and capricious clearly erroneous. county clerk shall issue a license receipt as required by the Firearms Act. a. The Entity name shall refund $ to the appellant forfilingfeestheappellantincurredinfilingthisappeal. b. The appellant's actual costs and attorney fees of $ degreeofresponsibility. County name shallbepaidasfollows,accordingtothe % of the costs and fees. shall pay % of the costs and fees. County Clerk shall pay Entitytakingfingerprints TheStateofMichiganshallpay % of the costs and fees. (continued on other side) CC 80 (12/15) ORDER FOLLOWING APPEAL ON APPLICATION FOR CONCEALED WEAPON LICENSE MCL 28.425d American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 7.Theappealisdismissed.Theappellantshallpaythefollowingactualcostsandattorneyfeestothe a. b. County name Entitytakingfingerprints County Clerk in the amount of $ . in the amount of $ . c. TheStateofMichiganintheamountof$ 8. Other: . Date Judge Barno. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING IcertifythatonthisdateIservedacopyofthisorderonthepartiesortheirattorneysbyfirst-classmailaddressedtotheirlastknownaddressesasdefinedinMCR2.107(C)(3). Date Court clerk American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com