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Judgment Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Civil Statewide.
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Tags: Judgment, CIA 02, Michigan Statewide, Civil
Plaintiff The þ State þ Township þ City þ Villageof en-US en-USven-USDefendant name, address, and telephone no. Statute þ Ordinance þ Infraction: en-US en-US Infraction date: en-US en-USI certify that: 1. þ The defendant has not made a scheduled appearance nor answered the citation within the time allowed by statute. þ 2. þ The defendant is not in the military service or is in the military service but received notice and adequate time and opportunity þ to appear and defend. 3. þ The default of the defendant is entered. en-USDate þ en-USClerk/Deputy court clerk/Magistrateen-USTHE COURT FINDS: þ 1. þ The defendant is responsible and admitted responsibility þ by mail. þ en-US in person/by representation. þ 2. þ The defendant is in default. The citation/complaint is sufficient to make a determination of responsibility. þ 3. þ After hearing, the defendant þ is þ is not þ responsible as amended: en-US en-US . þ 4. þ The plaintiff failed to appear. þ 5. þ The plaintiff moved to dismiss the case. en-USIT IS ORDERED:en-US en-USFor a defendant on active military duty, default judgment shall not be entered, except as provided by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. þ 6. þ The case is dismissed. þ 7. þ The defendant must pay the balance due by returning a copy of this judgment with payment. þ en-USAmount of judgment þ Fine þ þ $ en-US þ Costs þ þ $ en-US þ State costs þ $ en-US þ þ $ en-US þ en-USTotal þ þ en-US$en-US en-US þ Bond forfeited þ $ en-US þ en-USBalance dueen-US þ $ en-US en-US þ en-USDate owed:en-US en-US 8. þ Other: en-USDate þ en-USJudge/Magistrate/Deputy court clerk en-USNOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT:en-US If this judgment is the result of an informal hearing, you may appeal the decision within 7 days of the judgment en-USdate. If this judgment is the result of a formal hearing, you may appeal the decision within 21 days of the judgment date. If this judgment is en-USbased on an admission of responsibility, you may file a written request to withdraw your admission within 14 days of the admission. If this en-USjudgment is the result of a default, you may be able to have the default judgment set aside by filing a motion within 14 days of the date the en-USjudgment was served. You must post a cash bond equal to the total fines and costs noted when filing a motion to set aside a default judgment.en-USI certify that on this date þ I have personally served a copy of this judgment on the defendant. þ I have served a copy of this judgment on the defendant by first-class mail addressed to his/her last-known address as þ þ defined by MCR 2.107(C)(3). en-USDate þ en-USClerk/Deputy court clerk/Magistrateen-USDEFAULT ENTRY en-USJUDGMENT en-USCERTIFICATE OF SERVICE en-USTO THE DEFENDANT:en-US If you fail to pay within 28 days of the dateen-USowed, the Secretary of State may take action against your driving en-USprivileges. In addition, the fine, costs, and fees not paid within 56 en-USdays of the date owed are subject to a 20% late penalty on the en-USamount owed. American LegalNet, Inc.