Motion To Set Aside Default Judgment
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Motion To Set Aside Default Judgment Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Civil Statewide.
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Tags: Motion To Set Aside Default Judgment, CIA 04, Michigan Statewide, Civil
Approved, SCAO Original - Court 1st copy - Defendant 2nd copy - Complainant STATE OF MICHIGAN MOTION TO SET ASIDE DEFAULT JUDGMENT CASE NO. JUDICIAL DISTRICT AND ORDER Civil Infraction Court address Court telephone no. Defendant Civil infraction: Infraction date: The Personal service State Twp. City Village v Complainant(s) of: Statute Ordinance MOTION 1. This motion is made within 14 days of the day on which the court sent notice of default judgment to me. 2. I have good cause for my failure to answer the citation within the time specified as follows: nonappearance at my hearing as follows: Explain the reasons on a separate sheet or on the back of this form. 3. The following is my defense/explanation to the complaint: Specify the defense/explanation. 4. Attached is a cash bond equal to the fine and costs due as specified in the default judgment. 5. I request the default judgment be set aside in this case and, if required, agree to appear on the date scheduled by the court to state my reasons for this request. Date Defendant's signature ORDER IT IS ORDERED: 6. The defendant's motion is granted, the default is set aside, and a hearing on the complaint shall take place. denied. hearing on the motion is scheduled for before Date 7. A at formal Location informal Judge/magistrate . 8. Other: Date Judge/magistrate Bar no. CIA 04 (3/15) MOTION TO SET ASIDE DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND ORDER, Civil Infraction American LegalNet, Inc. MCR 4.101(D)