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Dismissal Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Civil Statewide.
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Tags: Dismissal, MC 09, Michigan Statewide, Civil
þ þ en-US with þ 1. þ Plaintiff/Attorney for plaintiff files this notice of dismissal of this case þ without þ prejudice as to: þ þ all defendants. þ þ the following defendant(s): en-US þ 2. þ I certify, under penalty of contempt, that: þ a. þ This notice is the first dismissal filed by the plaintiff based upon or including the same claim against the defendant. þ b. þ All costs of filing and service have been paid. þ c. þ en-USNo answer or motion has been served upon the plaintiff by the defendant as of the date of this notice. þ d. þ A copy of this notice has been provided to the appearing defendant/attorney by þ þ mail þ þ personal service. en-USDate þ en-USPlaintiff/Attorney signature þ þ en-US with þ I stipulate to the dismissal of this case without þ prejudice as to: þ þ all parties. þ þ the following parties: en-US en-USDate þ en-USPlaintiff/Attorney signature en-USDate þ en-USDefendant/Attorney signature þ þ en-US with þ en-USIT IS ORDERED this case is dismissed. þ without þ prejudice. Conditions, if any: en-US þ en-US þ en-US þ þ This order resolves the last pending claim and closes the case. en-USDate þ en-USJudge Bar no.en-USNOTICE OF DISMISSAL BY PLAINTIFF en-USSTIPULATION TO DISMISS en-USORDER TO DISMISS en-USNote: en-USFor dismissal of a small claims action, use form DC 85. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com