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Original - Court 1st copy - Prosecutor 2nd copy - Defendant/Juvenile Approved, SCAO 3rd copy - Police agency PROBATE OSM CODE: NOL STATE OF MICHIGAN CASE NO. JUDICIAL DISTRICT MOTION/ORDER JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF NOLLE PROSEQUI ORI Court address Court telephone no.MI- Police Report No. The State of Michigan Defendants/Juveniles name, address, and telephone no. THE PEOPLE OF v CTN/TCN SID DOB Juvenile In the matter of CHARGE CODE(S) Count CRIME MCL citation/PACC Code MOTION , prosecuting official, moves for a nolle prosequi in this caseName (type or print) for the following reason(s): Date Prosecuting official Bar no. ORDER IT IS ORDERED: 1. Motion for nolle prosequi is granted and the case is dismissed without prejudice. 2. Motion for nolle prosequi is granted as to the following charge(s) which are dismissed without prejudice: 3. Motion for nolle prosequi is denied. 4. Defendant/Juvenile shall be immediately discharged from confinement in this case. 5. Bond is cancelled and shall be returned after costs are deducted. 6. Bond is continued on the remaining charge(s). Date Judge/Magistrate Bar no.If item 1 is checked the clerk of the court shall send a photocopy of this order to the Michigan State Police Criminal Justice InformationCenter to delete this criminal history record as required under MCL 769.16a. TO THE DEFENDANT: By law, your fingerprints, arrest card, and description will either be destroyed or returned to you by the Michigan State Police within 60 days of the date of this order. If you do not receive your fingerprints, arrest card, and description within 60 days of the date of this order, you may choose to contact the Michigan State Police to verify that the prints, card, and description were destroyed. MC 263 (6/03) MOTION/ORDER OF NOLLE PROSEQUI MCL 28.243, MCL 767.29, MCL 769.16a, MCR 5.936(D)