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STATE OF MICHIGANCASE NO.JUDICIAL CIRCUITCOUNTYADVICE OF RIGHTS(CIRCUIT COURT PLEA) Approved, SCAOCC 291 (12/18) ADVICE OF RIGHTS (CIRCUIT COURT PLEA)MCR 6.302(B)(3), (5)You have offered to plead guilty or nolo contendere in this matter. Before accepting your plea, the court must be convinced that youunderstand the following.1. If your plea is accepted, you will not have a trial of any kind and you will be giving up the rights you would have at a trial, includingthe right:(a)to be tried by a jury;(b)to be presumed innocent until proved guilty;(c)to have the prosecutor prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty;(d)to have the witnesses against you appear at the trial;(e)to question the witnesses against you;(f)to have the court order any witnesses you have for the defense to appear at the trial;(g)to remain silent during the trial;(h)to not have that silence used against you; and(i)to testify at the trial if you want to testify.2. If your plea is accepted, you may be giving up the right to appeal issues that would otherwise be appealable if you were convictedat a trial. Further, any appeal from your conviction and sentence pursuant to this plea will be by application for leave to appealand not by right.You will be required to state, orally on the record, that you have read and understand all the above, and that you agree to waive allthe above rights.Court addressCourt telephone no.Original - CourtCopy - Defendant Defendant name (print)DateDefendant signature City, state, zip Telephone no.AddressUSE NOTE: If defendant is given a foreign-language version of this form to read, the English version and the foreign-languageversion must be filed in the case. American LegalNet, Inc.