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Approved, SCAO Information - Circuit court Original complaint - Court Warrant - Court Bindover/Transfer - Circuit/Juvenile court Complaint copy - Prosecutor Complaint copy - Defendant/Attorney STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT District Court ORI: MI- CASE NO. INFORMATION FELONY Circuit Court ORI: MI- DISTRICT CIRCUIT Defendant's name and address Victim or complainant Complaining witness Date: On or about THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN Codefendant(s) (if known) City/Twp./Village Police agency report no. v County in Michigan Charge Defendant TCN Defendant CTN Defendant SID Maximum penalty Defendant DOB A sample for chemical testing for DNA identification profiling is on file with the Michigan State Police from a previous case. Witnesses Oper./Chauf. CDL Vehicle Type Defendant DLN STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF . IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN: The prosecuting attorney for this county appears before the court and informs the court that on the date and at the location described, the defendant: and against the peace and dignity of the State of Michigan. Prosecuting Attorney By: Date American LegalNet, Inc. MCL 764.1 et seq., MCL 766.1 et seq., MCL 767.1 et seq., MCR 6.110 MC 200 (3/16) FELONY SET, Information Approved, SCAO Information - Circuit court Original complaint - Court Warrant - Court Bindover/Transfer - Circuit/Juvenile court Complaint copy - Prosecutor Complaint copy - Defendant/Attorney STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT District Court ORI: MI- COMPLAINT FELONY Circuit Court ORI: MI- CASE NO. DISTRICT CIRCUIT Defendant's name and address Victim or complainant Complaining witness Date: On or about THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN Codefendant(s) (if known) City/Twp./Village Police agency report no. v County in Michigan Charge Defendant TCN Defendant CTN Defendant SID Maximum penalty Defendant DOB A sample for chemical testing for DNA identification profiling is on file with the Michigan State Police from a previous case. Witnesses Oper./Chauf. CDL Vehicle Type Defendant DLN STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF . The complaining witness says that on the date and at the location described, the defendant, contrary to law, The complaining witness asks that defendant be apprehended and dealt with according to law. Warrant authorized on Date Prosecuting official by: Complaining witness signature Subscribed and sworn to before me on Date . Security for costs posted Judge/Magistrate/Clerk Bar no. MCL 764.1 et seq., MCL 766.1 et seq., MCL 767.1 et seq., MCR 6.110 MC 200 (3/16) FELONY SET,Complaint American LegalNet, Inc. Approved, SCAO Information - Circuit court Original complaint - Court Warrant - Court Bindover/Transfer - Circuit/Juvenile court Complaint copy - Prosecutor Complaint copy - Defendant/Attorney STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT District Court ORI: MI- WARRANT FELONY Circuit Court ORI: MI- CASE NO. DISTRICT CIRCUIT Defendant's name and address Victim or complainant Complaining witness Date: On or about THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN Codefendant(s) (if known) City/Twp./Village Police agency report no. v County in Michigan Charge Defendant TCN Defendant CTN Defendant SID Maximum penalty Defendant DOB A sample for chemical testing for DNA identification profiling is on file with the Michigan State Police from a previous case. Witnesses Oper./Chauf. CDL Vehicle Type Defendant DLN STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF . To any peace officer or court officer authorized to make arrest: The complaining witness has filed a sworn complaint in this court stating that on the date and the location described, the defendant, contrary to law, Upon examination of the complaining witness, I find that the offense charged was committed and that there is probable cause to believe that defendant committed the offense. THEREFORE, IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, a. I order you to arrest and bring defendant before the b. I order you to bring defendant before the c. The defendant may be released before arraignment if $ District Court immediately. District Court. is posted as interim bail by . Date Date Judge/Magistrate Bar no. See return on reverse side. MC 200 (3/16) MCL 764.1 et seq., MCL 766.1 et seq., MCL 767.1 et seq., MCR 6.110 American LegalNet, Inc. FELONY SET,Warrant RETURN As ordered in this warrant, the defendant was arrested on at Place of arrest Date at Time . Date Peace officer American LegalNet, Inc. Approved, SCAO Information - Circuit court Original complaint - Court Warrant - Court Bindover/Transfer - Circuit/Juvenile court Complaint copy - Prosecutor Complaint copy - Defendant/Attorney STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT District Court ORI: MI- BIND OVER/TRANSFER AFTER PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION FELONY Circuit Court ORI: MI- CASE NO. DISTRICT CIRCUIT Defendant's name and address Victim or complainant Complaining witness Date: On or about THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN Codefendant(s) (if known) City/Twp./Village Police agency report no. v County in Michigan Charge Defendant TCN Defendant CTN Defendant SID Maximum penalty Defendant DOB A sample for chemical testing for DNA identification profiling is on file with the Michigan State Police from a previous case. Oper./Chauf. CDL Vehicle Type Defendant DLN Date: Reporter/Recorder District judge: Cert. no. Represented by counsel Bar no. Bar no. EXAMINATION WAIVER 1. I, the defendant, understand: a. I have a right to employ an attorney. b. I may request a court-appointed attorney if I am financially unable to employ one. c. I have a right to a preliminary examination where it must be shown that a crime was committed and probable cause exists to charge me with the crime. 2. I voluntarily waive my right to a preliminary examination and understand that I will be bound over to circuit court on the charges in the complaint and warrant (or as amended). Defendant attorney Bar no. Prosecuting attorney Defendant Bar no. I consent to this waiver: ADULT BINDOVER 3. Examination was waived on Date . 4. Examination was held on and it was found that probable cause exists to believe both that an offense not cognizable by the district court has been committed and that the defendant committed the offense. 5. The defendant is bound over to circuit court to appear on Date at Time . on the charge(s) in the complaint. on the amended charge(s) of MCL/PACC