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The State of Michigan THE PEOPLE OF � en-US en-US en-USven-USDefendant222s name, address, and telephone no.en-USSIDen-USDOB en-USCharge(s): en-US en-US MCL/Ordinance citation(s): en-US en-US en-USAt a session on en-USDateen-US , Judge en-US en-US , P- en-USBar no.en-US presiding:en-USBased upon a competency hearing with the defendant and defendant222s counsel present,en-USTHE COURT FINDS AND IT IS ORDERED:en-US en-US(Judge to INITIAL in the appropriate box, each item ordered) en-US1.en-US2. en-USThe defendant is competent to stand trial and the case shall continue to the next stage of the criminal process.en-USThe defendant, in order to maintain competency to stand trial, shall be administered appropriate medicationen-USpending and during trial.en-US3.en-US4. en-USThe defendant is determined incompetent to stand trial and there is a substantial probability that competence toen-USstand trial will not be attained within the time limit established by law.en-USThe prosecuting official shall file a petition with the probate court for commencement of civil proceedingsen-USpertaining to the defendant.en-US5.en-US6.en-US7.en-US8.en-US9.en-US10. en-USThe defendant is incompetent to stand trial and there is substantial probability that the defendant, if provided aen-UScourse of treatment, will attain competence to stand trial within the time limit established.en-USThe State Department of Mental Health is appointed medical supervisor of the defendant222s course of treatmenten-USand shall fulfill all requirements established by law.en-USThe defendant shall undergo treatment to render the defendant competent to stand trial.en-USCommitment is necessary for the effective administration of the course of treatment and therefore the defendanten-USis committed to the custody of the State Department of Mental Health and placed at the facility recommended byen-USthe Center for Forensic Psychiatry.en-USSince the defendant is incarcerated pending trial, the liberty of the defendant shall be restricted to the buildingen-USand grounds of the facility providing treatment.en-USIf the defendant is under detention, the sheriff shall transport the defendant to and from the facility recommendeden-USby the Center for Forensic Psychiatry upon notification by the center.en-US11. en-USAdditional orders: en-US en-US en-USDate � en-USJudge American LegalNet, Inc.