Order To Remit Prisoner Funds
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Order To Remit Prisoner Funds For Fines-Costs-And Assessments Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Criminal Statewide.
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Tags: Order To Remit Prisoner Funds For Fines-Costs-And Assessments, MC 288, Michigan Statewide, Criminal
THE PEOPLE OF The State of Michigan þ en-US en-USven-USPrisoner222s nameen-USPrisoner no.en-USSIDen-USDOBen-USInstitution name and address en-USTHE COURT FINDS: 1. þ The prisoner owes a balance of $ en-US en-US , en-USnot including restitutionen-US, which is collected by the Department þ of Corrections in accordance with MCL 791.220h, for the obligation ordered in the judgment of sentence or other order dated þ þ en-US en-US . (A copy of the judgment of sentence or order is attached.)en-USIT IS ORDERED: 2. þ For payment toward the obligation, the Department of Corrections shall collect 50 percent of all funds received by the þ prisoner over $50.00 each month. 3. þ If the amount withheld at any one time is $100.00 or less, the Department of Corrections shall continue collecting funds from þ the prisoner222s trust account until the sum of the amounts collected exceeds $100.00, at which time the Department of þ Corrections shall remit that amount to this court to þ the above address. þ en-US the following address: 4. þ Withdrawal from the prisoner222s trust account and remittance to this court shall continue until the obligation is paid in full. þ If the prisoner transfers to a facility at which a prisoner222s trust account is not maintained, or if the prisoner is paroled, þ discharged, or dies, any withheld funds shall be remitted to this court. en-USDate þ en-USJudge Bar no.en-USI certify that on this date I served a copy of this order on the prisoner þ at sentencing by personal service. þ at the institution/facility by first-class mail addressed to its last-known address as defined by MCR 2.107(C)(3). en-USDate þ en-USSignature þ en-USSend a copy of this order by first-class mail or e-mail to: þ þ þ ATTN: Court Order Department þ Michigan Department of Corrections þ Jackson Business Office þ 4000 Cooper Street þ Jackson, MI 49201 þ en-USMDOC-CourtOrders@michigan.gov þ en-USCERTIFICATE OF MAILING American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com