21 Day Notice To Alleged Violator Of Custody Or Parenting Time Provisions
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21 Day Notice To Alleged Violator Of Custody Or Parenting Time Provisions Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
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Tags: 21 Day Notice To Alleged Violator Of Custody Or Parenting Time Provisions, FOC 16, Michigan Statewide, Domestic Relations
en-USTO: en-USRespondenten-US þ en-US(This notice is for the respondent. A copy is sent to the complaining party for his/her information only.) 1. þ Date of notice: en-US 2. þ The friend of the court initiates enforcement of custody and parenting time orders. 3. þ The attached written complaint was filed with this office alleging the following: en-US 4. en-USFAILURE TO RESPOND IN WRITING TO THE OFFICE OF THE FRIEND OF THE COURT WITHIN 21 DAYSen-US AFTER THIS NOTICE WAS SENT SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS AN AGREEMENT THAT PARENTING TIMEen-US WAS WRONGFULLY DENIED AND THAT MAKEUP PARENTING TIME WILL BE APPLIED. 5. þ Domestic relations mediation is available to resolve the dispute upon the agreement of both parties. Contact the friend of þ the court for more information. 6. þ You have the right to file a motion to modify the parenting time order. 7. þ When you contact this office, state that you are responding to this 21-day notice. Have this form with you. 8. þ If you require special accommodations to use the court because of a disability, or if you require a foreign language interpreter þ to help you fully participate in court proceedings, please contact the court immediately to make arrangements. When þ contacting the court, provide your case number(s). en-USFRIEND OF THE COURT American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com