Order Changing Venue And Transferring Case (Post Judgment)
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Order Changing Venue And Transferring Case (Post Judgment) Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
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Tags: Order Changing Venue And Transferring Case (Post Judgment), FOC 25, Michigan Statewide, Domestic Relations
Original - Originating court 1st copy - Receiving court 3rd copy - Plaintiff Approved, SCAO 2nd copy - Friend of the court 4th copy - Defendant STATE OF MICHIGAN CASE NO. JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ORDER CHANGING VENUE AND COUNTY TRANSFERRING CASE (Post Judgment) Court address Court telephone no. Plaintiffs name and address v Defendants name and address CERTIFICATE OF ARREARAGE 1. I certify that as of the arrears on the records of the friend of the court were $ . Date Friend of the court ORDER 2. Date of hearing: Judge: Bar no.3. THE COURT FINDS that there are arrearages in the amount of $ as certified above by the friend of the court. IT IS ORDERED: 4. Venue is changed and this case shall be transferred to by . Date 5. Before the date of transfer shall pay to the court of current Name jurisdiction all past due fees and costs in the amount of $ . 6. a. Plaintiff Defendant Both parties equally shall pay the statutory filing fee to the court of current jurisdiction before the date of transfer. The court of current jurisdiction shall submit the filing fee to the court to which the case is transferred. The case shall not be transferred until the fee is paid. b. The statutory filing fee is waived because the transfer was initiated by the court or friend of the court. the parties are indigent. 7. The transferring office of the friend of the court shall continue to process support payments under the current support order until it receives notice that the case has been accepted for filing by the transferee office of the friend of the court. Any payments received during this interim period shall be credited to the payers account. Date Judge FOC 25 (4/01) ORDER CHANGING VENUE AND TRANSFERRING CASE (Post Judgment) MCR 3.212