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Motion And Order To Show Cause For Contempt (Support) Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
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Tags: Motion And Order To Show Cause For Contempt (Support), FOC 2, Michigan Statewide, Domestic Relations
en-US1. en-USName of payer en-US was ordered to pay support.en-US2.The office of the friend of the court has revieweden-US the records and determined that the past-dueen-USsupport amount on en-USDateen-US isen-US $ en-US en-US , which exceeds the statutory en-US amount allowed.en-US3.en-USI requesten-US the court issue an order to showen-US cause why the payer named above should noten-US be found in contempt for failure to comply withen-US the court222s order. en-USUSE NOTE: en-USThis form is for use by the friend of the court. Parties should use form MC 230. en-USDate en-USFriend of the court/Authorized representativeen-USIT IS ORDERED: 4. þ en-USName of payeren-USshall appear on en-USDate at en-USTimeen-USat en-USLocation to show cause why he/she should not be held in contempt for failure to comply with the court222s order. If the named party fails to appear, he/she may be found in contempt and a bench warrant may be issued for his/her arrest. If contempt is found, the court may apply any enforcement remedy allowed under law. 5. This matter will be heard before a referee; however, this matter may be taken before the judge for immediate hearing þ if necessary. en-USDate en-USJudgeBar no.en-USNOTE: þ The court will consider the following critical issues to decide if you are in contempt: 225 þ en-USyou do not attend a work activity that you were referred to and do not have another source of income. 225 þ en-USyou have the ability to pay all or some of your support but do not. 225 þ en-USyou do not diligently put forth effort to be able to pay all or some of your support.en-USNOTICE REGARDING HEARING:en-USEach party attending the hearing must dress in a manner appropriate for a court hearing and must not carry any weapons into en-USthe courthouse or office of the friend of the court. þ Do not bring any child to court who will not be called to testify. þ Complete the attached forms that apply, following the instructions provided. en-USIf you require special accommodations to use the court because of a disability, or if you require a foreign language interpreter toen-UShelp you fully participate in court proceedings, please contact the court immediately to make arrangements. When contacting en-USthe court, provide your case number(s). en-USI certify that on this date I served a copy of this motion and order on the parties or their attorneys by first-class mail addressed toen-UStheir last-known addresses as defined in MCR 3.203. en-USDate en-USSignatureen-USORDER en-USCERTIFICATE OF MAILING en-USMOTION American LegalNet, Inc.