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STATE OF MICHIGAN Court telephone no.MC 12(4/18)REQUEST AND WRIT FOR GARNISHMENT (PERIODIC) (Part 1) v Approved, SCAOJUDICIAL DISTRICTJUDICIAL CIRCUITCourt address CASE NO.Plaintiff's name and address (judgment creditor)Defendant's name and address (judgment debtor) Plaintiff's attorney, bar no., and addressZip code 225225225225225225225225225MCL 600.4011 et seq., MCR 3.101 Plaintiff/Agent/Attorney signature Date WRIT OF GARNISHMENT Employee ID or account no.Garnishee name and address Telephone no.REQUEST AND WRIT FOR GARNISHMENT(PERIODIC) 225Original - Garnishee (Part 1)1st copy - Court (Part 2)2nd copy - Defendant (Part 2)3rd copy - Return (proof of service) (Part 2)4th copy - Plaintiff/Attorney (proof) (Part 2) REQUESTSee separate instructions. 1.Plaintiff received judgment against defendant for $on .2.The total amount of judgment interest accrued to date is $. The total amount of postjudgment costs accrued todate is $. The total amount of postjudgment payments made and credits to date is$ . Theamount of the unsatisfied judgment now due (including interest and costs) is $.3.Plaintiff knows or with good reason believes the garnishee is indebted to or possesses or controls property belonging to defendant.4.Plaintiff requests a writ of periodic garnishment.I declare that the statements above are true to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief. 225 Social security no. Date of issue Date of deadline for service(182 days from date of issue) Clerk of the court/DeputyIT IS ORDERED:TO THE PLAINTIFF: Have all copies of the Garnishee Disclosure (form MC 14), two copies of this writ, and the disclosure fee ($6 ifthe State of Michigan is the garnishee; $35 for all others) served on the garnishee within 182 days from the date of issue. If not properly served,the writ of garnishment is invalid. After receiving your first payment under the garnishment, provide the garnishee and defendant astatement of the balance remaining on the judgment, including interest and costs, at least once every 6 months. Within 21 days afterthe judgment has been paid, including all interest and costs, provide the garnishee and defendant a garnishment release (form MC 50).TO THE DEFENDANT: See separate instructions. You have 14 days after this writ is mailed or delivered to you to file objectionswith the court. If you do not file objections within this time, periodic payments (money) owed to you by the garnishee may be withheldand paid directly to the plaintiff until the judgment is satisfied.TO THE GARNISHEE:1.Within 7 days after you are served with this writ, deliver a copy of this writ to the defendant in person or mail a copy tohis or her last-known address by first-class mail.2. Within 14 days after you are served with this writ, deliver or mail copies of your completed Garnishee Disclosure (form MC14) tothe court, plaintiff/attorney, and defendant. A default may be entered against you for failure to disclose.3.Do not pay any obligations to the defendant unless allowed by statute or court rule.4.If indebted to the defendant, withholding must begin according to court rule and continue until the judgment is satisfied. Unlessnotified that an objection has been filed, begin forwarding withheld payments 28 days after you are served with this writ.You are ordered to make all payments withheld under this writ payable to:the plaintiffthe plaintiff's attorneythe courtand mail them to:the plaintiff.the plaintiff's attorney.the court.5.Within 14 days after the judgment is satisfied or you are no longer obligated to make periodic payments to the defendant, file a final statement of the total amount paid on this writ with the court and mail or deliver copies to the plaintiff/attorney and defendant. American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF MICHIGAN Court telephone no.MC 12(4/18)REQUEST AND WRIT FOR GARNISHMENT (PERIODIC) (Part 2) v Approved, SCAOJUDICIAL DISTRICTJUDICIAL CIRCUITCourt address CASE NO.Plaintiff's name and address (judgment creditor)Defendant's name and address (judgment debtor) Plaintiff's attorney, bar no., and addressZip code 225225225225225225225225225MCL 600.4011 et seq., MCR 3.101 Plaintiff/Agent/Attorney signature Date WRIT OF GARNISHMENT Employee ID or account no.Garnishee name and address Telephone no.REQUEST AND WRIT FOR GARNISHMENT(PERIODIC) 225Original - Garnishee (Part 1)1st copy - Court (Part 2)2nd copy - Defendant (Part 2)3rd copy - Return (proof of service) (Part 2)4th copy - Plaintiff/Attorney (proof) (Part 2) Date of issue Date of deadline for service(182 days from date of issue) Clerk of the court/Deputy REQUESTSee separate instructions. 1.Plaintiff received judgment against defendant for $on .2.The total amount of judgment interest accrued to date is $. The total amount of postjudgment costs accrued todate is $. The total amount of postjudgment payments made and credits to date is$ . Theamount of the unsatisfied judgment now due (including interest and costs) is $.3.Plaintiff knows or with good reason believes the garnishee is indebted to or possesses or controls property belonging to defendant.4.Plaintiff requests a writ of periodic garnishment.I declare that the statements above are true to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief. 225 IT IS ORDERED:TO THE PLAINTIFF: Have all copies of the Garnishee Disclosure (form MC 14), two copies of this writ, and the disclosure fee ($6 ifthe State of Michigan is the garnishee; $35 for all others) served on the garnishee within 182 days from the date of issue. If not properly served,the writ of garnishment is invalid. After receiving your first payment under the garnishment, provide the garnishee and defendant astatement of the balance remaining on the judgment, including interest and costs, at least once every 6 months. Within 21 days afterthe judgment has been paid, including all interest and costs, provide the garnishee and defendant a garnishment release (form MC 50).TO THE DEFENDANT: See separate instructions. You have 14 days after this writ is mailed or delivered to you to file objectionswith the court. If you do not file objections within this time, periodic payments (money) owed to you by the garnishee may be withheldand paid directly to the plaintiff until the judgment is satisfied.TO THE GARNISHEE:1.Within 7 days after you are served with this writ, deliver a copy of this writ to the defendant in person or mail a copy tohis or her last-known address by first-class mail.2. Within 14 days after you are served with this writ, deliver or mail copies of your completed Garnishee Disclosure (form MC14) tothe court, plaintiff/attorney, and defendant. A default may be entered against you for failure to disclose.3.Do not pay any obligations to the defendant unless allowed by statute or court rule.4.If indebted to the defendant, withholding must begin according to court rule and continue until the judgment is satisfied. Unlessnotified that an objection has been filed, begin forwarding withheld payments 28 days after you are served with this writ.You are ordered to make all payments withheld under this writ payable to:the plaintiffthe plaintiff's attorneythe courtand mail them to:the plaintiff.the plaintiff's attorney.the court.5.Within 14 days after the judgment is satisfied or you are no longer obligated to make periodic payments to the defendant, file afinal statement of the total amount paid on this writ with the court and mail or deliver copies to the plaintiff/attorney and defendant. American LegalNet, Inc. INSTRUCTIONS Definitions225A periodic garnishment lets the plaintiff (creditor) take money from a source that pays you on a regular basis such as yourearnings or income from rental properties.225A "garnishee" is a person who has control over some or all of the money that is paid to the defendant. For example, anemployer could be a garnishee.225Periodic payments are payments made by the garnishee to the defendant on a regular basis. These payments could bepaychecks, rent payments, land contract payments, or other contract payments. Instructions for the Plaintiff for Item 2:If a civil judgment does not include judgment interest in the "total judgme