Motion And Affidavit And Bench Warrant
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Motion And Affidavit And Bench Warrant Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in General Statewide.
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Tags: Motion And Affidavit And Bench Warrant, MC 229, Michigan Statewide, General
þ The People of the State of Michigan þ en-US en-USven-USDefendant(s)/Probationeren-US þ Civil þ Criminal en-USCurrent Chargeen-USCTNen-USSIDen-USDOBen-USTCNen-US þ Probate þ Juvenile en-US In the matter of en-US þ Name of respondent þ be arrested and þ þ þ þ Signature Date Date þ Date of birth*DLNHeightWeight$ Date þ þ MOTION AFFIDAVIT BENCH WARRANT þ en-US en-USDateen-US en-USDate þ en-USen-USRETURN American LegalNet, Inc. þ The People of the State of Michigan þ en-US en-USven-USDefendant(s)/Probationeren-US þ Civil þ Criminal en-USCurrent Chargeen-USCTNen-USSIDen-USDOBen-USTCNen-US þ Probate þ Juvenile en-US In the matter of en-US þ Name of respondent þ be arrested and þ þ þ þ Signature Date Date þ Date of birth*DLNHeightWeight$ Date þ þ MOTION AFFIDAVIT BENCH WARRANT en-USMEMORANDUM COPY - NOT TO BE USED FOR ARRESTen-USen-US þ American LegalNet, Inc.