Notice Of Intent To Destroy Discovery Materials
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Notice Of Intent To Destroy Discovery Materials Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in General Statewide.
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Tags: Notice Of Intent To Destroy Discovery Materials, MC 29, Michigan Statewide, General
Original - Court PROBATE OSM CODE: NOM Approved, SCAO 1st copy - Plaintiff/Attorney 2nd copy - Defendant/Attorney STATE OF MICHIGAN CASE NO. JUDICIAL DISTRICT NOTICE OF INTENT TO JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DESTROY DISCOVERY MATERIALS COUNTY PROBATE Court address Court telephone no.Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s) Defendant(s)/Respondent(s) v Probate In the matter of Attorney name, bar no., address, and telephone no. TO: All attorneys of record and unrepresented parties: YOU ARE NOTIFIED: At least 18 months have passed since Attorney for: entry of judgment on the merits or dismissal of this action and an appeal Attorney name, bar no., address, and telephone no. has not been taken. An appeal was taken, at least 91 days have elapsed following conclusion of the appellate proceedings, and this action was not remanded for further Attorney for: proceedings in the trial court. Attorney name, bar no., address, and telephone no. 1. Discovery materials will be removed from the file of this action and will be destroyed on the date specified below. Attorney for: Destruction date Attorney name, bar no., address, and telephone no. 2. If you want the discovery materials, the party who filed them must: retrieve them from the clerks or registers office before the destruction Attorney for: date; or file a written objection to removal of the discovery materials from the file.Date Clerk/Register MC 29 (6/93) NOTICE OF INTENT TO DESTROY DISCOVERY MATERIALS MCR 2.316