Notice Of Registration Of Out Of State Child Custody Determination (UCCJEA)
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Notice Of Registration Of Out Of State Child Custody Determination (UCCJEA) Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in General Statewide.
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Tags: Notice Of Registration Of Out Of State Child Custody Determination (UCCJEA), CC 388, Michigan Statewide, General
Approved, SCAO Original - Court 1st copy - Respondent 2nd copy - Respondent (return) 3rd copy - Petitioner 4th copy - Friend of the court 5th copy - Return (proof of service) STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY Court address NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF OUT-OF-STATE CHILD-CUSTODY DETERMINATION (UCCJEA) CASE NO. Court telephone no. TO: Respondent name, address, and telephone no. (nonregistering party) 1. Date of registration: 2. Date of notice: 3. An order for custody parenting time, Petitioner name issued by a court in Issuing tribunal and state v Respondent name , on Date has been registered with the county clerk of this county. 4. A copy of the registered child-custody determination is attached. 5. A registered child-custody determination or any order to enforce issued by another state is entitled to full faith and credit, unless the order has been vacated, stayed, or modified. 6. A hearing to contest the validity of the registered child-custody determination must be requested within 21 days after service of this notice by completing the request for hearing on the bottom of this notice and returning it to the court address above. 7. Failure to contest the registration will result in confirmation of the child-custody determination and preclude further contest of that child-custody determination with respect to a matter that could have been asserted. 8. If you request a hearing, you will be notified of the date, time, and location of the hearing, by first-class mail sent to the address you provide. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that on this date I served a copy of this notice and a copy of the required documents on the parties or their attorneys by firstclass mail addressed to the addresses provided pursuant to MCL 722.1304(1)(C). Date Signature of clerk To request a hearing, check the appropriate box in item 1, sign and date the request, and return it to the court at the above address. REQUEST FOR HEARING 1. I request a hearing on the validity of the registration of a custody/parenting time order for the following reason(s). (Check all that apply.) The issuing court did not have jurisdiction. The child-custody determination sought to be registered has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court of a state having jurisdiction to do so. I did not receive proper notice before the child-custody determination was issued. 2. My address, if different from above, is Date CC 388 (5/10) Signature . MCL 722.1304, MCR 3.214(D) NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF OUT-OF-STATE CHILD-CUSTODY DETERMINATION (UCCJEA) American LegalNet, Inc.