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Subpoena (Order To Appear And Or Produce) Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in General Statewide.
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Tags: Subpoena (Order To Appear And Or Produce), MC 11, Michigan Statewide, General
Approved, SCAO Original - Return 1st copy - Witness 2nd copy - File 3rd copy - Extra STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY PROBATE Court address CASE NO. SUBPOENA Order to Appear and/or Produce Court telephone no. Police Report No. (if applicable): Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s) Defendant(s)/Respondent(s) People of the State of Michigan v Civil Probate In the matter of Criminal Charge In the Name of the People of the State of Michigan. TO: If you require special accommodations to use the court because of disabilities, please contact the court immediately to make arrangements. YOU ARE ORDERED TO: 1. Appear personally at the time and place stated below: The court address above Day You may be required to appear from time to time and day to day until excused. Other: Date Time 2. Testify at trial / examination / hearing. 3. Produce/permit inspection or copying of the following items: 4. Testify as to your assets, and bring with you the items listed in line 3 above. 5. Testify at deposition. 6. Abide by the attached prohibition against transferring or disposing of property. (MCL 600.6104(2), 600.6116, or 7. Other: 8. Person requesting subpoena Address City State Zip Telephone no. 600.6119.) NOTE: If requesting a debtor's examination under MCL 600.6110, or an injunction under item 6. this subpoena must be issued by a judge. For a debtor examination, the affidavit of debtor examination on the other side of this form must also be completed. Debtor's assets can also be discovered through MCR 2.305 without the need for an affidavit of debtor examination or issuance of this subpoena by a judge. FAILURE TO OBEY THE COMMANDS OF THE SUBPOENA OR TO APPEAR AT THE STATED TIME AND PLACE MAY SUBJECT YOU TO PENALTY FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT. Court use only Date MC 11 (3/15) Judge/Clerk/Attorney Bar no. MCL 600.1455, 600.1701, 600.6110, 600.6119, MCR 2.506 American LegalNet, Inc. Served Not served SUBPOENA, Order to Appear and/or Produce SUBPOENA PROOF OF SERVICE Case No. TO PROCESS SERVER: You must make and file your return with the court clerk. If you are unable to complete service, you must return this original and all copies to the court clerk. CERTIFICATE / AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE / NONSERVICE OR OFFICER CERTIFICATE I certify that I am a sheriff, deputy sheriff, bailiff, appointed court officer, or attorney for a party [MCR 2.104(A)(2)], and that: (notarization not required) I served a copy of the subpoena, together with Attachment AFFIDAVIT OF PROCESS SERVER Being first duly sworn, I state that I am a legally competent adult who is not a party or an officer of a corporate party, and that: (notarization required) (including any required fees) by personal service Name(s) registered or certified mail (copy of return receipt attached) Complete address(es) of service on: Day, date, time I have personally attempted to serve the subpoena and required fees, if any, together with Attachment on the following person(s) and have been unable to complete service. Name(s) Complete address(es) of service Day, date, time Service fee Miles traveled Fee Signature TOTAL FEE Name (type or print) Title $ $ $ $ Date Incorrect address fee Miles traveled Fee $ , Signature: Deputy court clerk/Notary public Subscribed and sworn to before me on My commission expires: Date County, Michigan. Notary public, State of Michigan, County of ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE I acknowledge that I have received service of the subpoena and required fees, if any, together with on Signature Day, date, time Attachment on behalf of . AFFIDAVIT FOR JUDGMENT DEBTOR EXAMINATION I request that the court issue a subpoena that orders the party named on this form to be examined under oath before a judge concerning the money or property of: for the following reasons: Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me on Date , Signature: Deputy court clerk/Notary public County, Michigan. My commission expires: Date Notary public, State of Michigan, County of MCR 2.105 American LegalNet, Inc.