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Petition For Treatment Of Infectious Disease Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Infectious Disease Statewide.
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Tags: Petition For Treatment Of Infectious Disease, PC 104, Michigan Statewide, Infectious Disease
local health officer1.I,, am aState Community Health Department representativea minorand make this petition in respect to, , who isan adult and whoresides atand who is presently found at.2.An ex parte detention order was issued by this court on .3.The individual is believed to be a carrier as to .4.Ona written warning notice was sent to the individual requiringhim/her to cooperate with the Community Health Department or local health department to prevent or control transmission ofwhich is a serious communicable disease or infection.The individual has failed or refused to comply with the warning notice.5.The individual is a health threat to others because of the demonstrated inability or unwillingness to conduct himself or herselfin such a manner as to not place others at risk of exposure to the serious communicable disease or infection. The health threatto others is shown by:a.Behavior by the carrier that has been demonstrated epidemiologically to transmit, or that evidences a careless disregardfor transmission of, a serious communicable disease or infection to others.b.A substantial likelihood that the carrier will transmit a serious communicable disease or infection to others, as evidencedby the carrier's past behavior or statements made by the carrier that are credible indicators of the carrier's intention todo so.c.Affirmative misrepresentation by the carrier of his or her status as a carrier before engaging in behavior that has beendemonstrated epidemiologically to transmit the serious communicable disease or infection.d.Other: (explain)(PLEASE SEE OTHER SIDE) Name (type or print) AddressCityStateZipAddress or location Date PC 104 (6/98) PETITION FOR TREATMENT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE In the matter of STATE OF MICHIGANJUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURTCOUNTYCASE NO.PETITION FOR TREATMENTOF INFECTIOUS DISEASEMCL 333.5205; MSA 14.15(5205), MCR 5.782Approved, SCAO specify infectious agent or serious communicable disease or infection Date Do not write below this line - For court use onlyName (type or print) American LegalNet, Inc. 6.This conclusion is based upon:a.My personal observation of the individual doing the following acts and saying the following things:b.Conduct and statements I have been informed that others have seen or heard:7.An emergency order is not sought and before issuing the warning notice, the following steps were taken to alleviate thehealth threat to others:I REQUEST:8.A hearing be held and the court find that the individual is a health threat to others and/or has failed or refused to comply witha warning notice.9.The court order that the individual:a.participate in the following designated programs: education. treatment. counseling.b.undergo tests to verify his/her status as a carrier or for diagnosis.c.appear at for verification of status,testing, or other purposes consistent with monitoring.d.cease and desist conduct that constitutes a health threat to part-time or full-time in a supervised setting at .f.other:10.The court appoint a commitment review panel and commit the individual to.I declare that this petition has been examined by me and that its contents are true to the best of my information, knowledge,and belief. Name (type or print)Attorney signatureCity, state, zipAddressTelephone no.Telephone no.City, state, zipAddressName (type or print)Petitioner signatureDate Name of agency or facility Name of facility Place American LegalNet, Inc.