Appearance Of Attorney Or Guardian Ad Litem Or Lawyer Guardian Ad Litem
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Appearance Of Attorney Or Guardian Ad Litem Or Lawyer Guardian Ad Litem Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Juvenile Statewide.
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Tags: Appearance Of Attorney Or Guardian Ad Litem Or Lawyer Guardian Ad Litem, JC 07, Michigan Statewide, Juvenile
Approved, SCAO STATE OF MICHIGAN CASE NO. JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION APPEARANCE OF PETITION NO. COUNTY ATTORNEY/GUARDIAN AD LITEM/ LAWYER-GUARDIAN AD LITEM Court address Court telephone no.1. In the matter of (name(s), alias(es), DOB) 2. TO THE COURT: I file my appearance in this case as the attorney guardian ad litem lawyer-guardian ad litem for . Retained by Court appointed 3. I certify that I represent no other interest whatsoever of any party to this cause, except as follows: Date Attorney/Guardian ad litem/Lawyer-Guardian ad litem signatureBar no. Name (type or print) Business address Firm name City, state and zip Telephone no. Do not write below this line - For court use only JC 07 (6/03) APPEARANCE OF ATTORNEY/GUARDIAN AD LITEM/LAWYER-GUARDIAN AD LITEM MCR 3.915(C), MCR 3.916