Motion For Alternate Service Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Motion For Alternate Service Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Juvenile Statewide.
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Tags: Motion For Alternate Service, JC 46, Michigan Statewide, Juvenile
Approved, SCAO TCS CODE: MAS STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION COUNTY MOTION FOR ALTERNATE SERVICE CASE NO. PETITION NO. Court address Court telephone no. 1. In the matter of (name(s), alias(es), DOB) 2. Personal service of the summons upon be achieved. 3. The last-known home and business addresses of the person named above are: Home address Business address City City State State is impracticable or cannot Zip Zip address shown above is current. home b. I do not know the above named person's current business address. I have made the following efforts to ascertain the current address: a. I believe the home business 4. I have tried to serve process on the person named above as described: (State date, place, and what occurred on each occasion.) 5. I request the court to order service by alternate means. Date Signature Name (type or print) Address City, state, and zip Telephone no. Bar no. Use Note: Attach affidavit. JC 83 may be used. Do not write below this line - For court use only JC 46 (9/16) MOTION FOR ALTERNATE SERVICE American LegalNet, Inc. MCL 712A.13, MCR 3.920(B)(4)(b)