Notice Of Diversion Conference
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Notice Of Diversion Conference Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Juvenile Statewide.
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Tags: Notice Of Diversion Conference, JC 56, Michigan Statewide, Juvenile
Approved, SCAO TCS CODE: NODC STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION COUNTY NOTICE OF DIVERSION CONFERENCE CASE NO. PETITION NO. Court address Court telephone no. 1. In the matter of (name(s), alias(es), DOB) TO: TAKE NOTICE: 2. A charge of is currently pending against the minor named above. 3. A conference to consider whether this charge should be dismissed, diverted, or referred to alternate services will be held on Date at Time Location beginning at . 4. Your participation in this conference and any resulting referral plan is voluntary. 5. An attorney may accompany you to this conference if you wish. 6. Alternative referral plans available include: 7. Criteria used to determine whether to divert pending charges are: a. the nature of the alleged offense, b. the minor's age, c. the nature of the problem that led to the alleged offense, d. the minor's character and conduct, e. the minor's behavior in school, family, and group settings, and f. any prior diversion decisions made concerning the minor and the nature of the minor's compliance with the diversion agreement. If you require special accommodations to use the court because of a disability or if you require a foreign language interpreter to help you fully participate in court proceedings, please contact the court immediately to make arrangements. Date Signature Do not write below this line - For court use only JC 56 (9/16) NOTICE OF DIVERSION CONFERENCE American LegalNet, Inc. MCL 722.824, MCL 722.825, MCR 3.932(A)