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Approved, SCAO PCS CODE: OPF TCS CODE: OPF STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION COUNTY Court address ORI MI- ORDER AFTER FIRST-PHASE HEARING TO WAIVE JURISDICTION (DELINQUENCY PROCEEDINGS) CASE NO. PETITION NO. Court telephone no. CTN/TCN SID DOB 1. In the matter of name(s), alias(es) 2. Date of hearing: Judge: Bar no. 3. The prosecuting attorney filed a timely motion to waive jurisdiction over the juvenile on the following offense(s): (Specify each count and the MCL citation.) 4. Notice of hearing was given as required by court rule. 5. The juvenile has appeared in court in person with parent(s), guardian, legal custodian, or guardian ad litem, and was represented by an attorney. waived representation by an attorney. 6. a. The proofs made and evidence received are on the record. b. The juvenile waived the first-phase probable-cause hearing under MCR 3.950(D)(1)(c)(ii). THE COURT FINDS: 7. There is would be a felony. 8. is not probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed that if committed by an adult a. The prosecuting attorney presented legally admissible evidence establishing each element of the following offense(s) and probable cause that the juvenile, who was 14 years of age or older on the date of the offense(s), committed the offense(s): b. The prosecuting attorney has not presented the legally admissible evidence necessary to establish each element of the following offense(s) and probable cause that the juvenile, who was 14 years of age or older on the date of the offense(s), committed the offense(s): 9. The matter must be adjourned for the following good cause: IT IS ORDERED: 10. The motion to waive jurisdiction is denied. The juvenile is released pending trial of the matter in the family division. 11. The motion to waive jurisdiction is granted. The second-phase hearing shall be held on Date at . Time Date Judge Do not write below this line - For court use only American LegalNet, Inc. MCR 3.950(D)(1) JC 86 (9/16) ORDER AFTER FIRST-PHASE HEARING TO WAIVE JURISDICTION (DELINQUENCY PROCEEDINGS)