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Approved, SCAO þ PCS CODE: PTRTCS CODE: PTRV/OFPTSTATE OF MICHIGANJUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISIONCOUNTY ORDER AFTER POSTTERMINATION REVIEW/PERMANENCY PLANNING HEARING(CHILD PROTECTIVE PROCEEDINGS)ORDER en-US en-US OF en-US en-USCASE NO.en-USPETITION NO.en-USCourt addressen-USCourt telephone no. 1. þ In the matter of þ en-USname(s), alias(es), DOB 2. þ Date of hearing: en-US þ Judge/Referee: en-USBar no. 3. þ Last permanency planning hearing date: en-US en-US en-US(Specify for each child if different.) 4. þ Parental rights to the child(ren) named above were previously terminated. 5. þ Notice of hearing for the þ review þ permanency planning þ combined review and permanency planning þ þ hearing was served as required by law. þ 6. þ The court has considered the permanency plan and other evidence presented. The findings below are specific to this case þ þ and are based upon this hearing, and þ en-US the following report(s): en-USIdentify report(s) and date(s) of report(s)en-USTHE COURT FINDS: 7. þ A þ review þ permanency planning þ combined review and permanency planning hearing þ was conducted. þ 8. þ The lawyer-guardian ad litem þ has þ has not þ complied with the requirements of MCL 712A.17d. 9. þ Reasonable efforts þ have þ have not þ been made to finalize the court-approved permanency plan of þ þ a. þ adoption for the child(ren) named en-US en-US . þ þ b. þ legal guardianship for the child(ren) named en-US en-US . þ þ c. þ placement with a fit and willing relative for the child(ren) named en-US en-US . þ þ d. þ placement in another planned permanent living arrangement (APPLA) for the child(ren) age 16 or older named þ en-US en-US , þ due to the compelling reasons that: en-US(Specify the compelling reasons for another planned permanent living arrangement by entering the þ language that corresponds to the number[s] from the list on the last page.) þ þ The reasonable efforts made to finalize the court-approved permanency plan identified above include: þ en-US(Specify the permanency plan for each child and the reasonable efforts made toward finalizing that plan.) þ American LegalNet, Inc. Order After Posttermination Review/Permanency Planning Hearing þ (12/18) þ Page of Order of Case No. Petition No. 10. þ The permanency planning goal in item 9 þ is appropriate. þ en-US is no longer appropriate and shall be: þ þ en-US en-US . 11. þ Progress toward the child(ren)222s adoption or other permanent placement þ was þ was not þ made in a timely manner. 12. þ The child(ren)222s continued placement þ en-US is necessary and appropriate and is meeting the child(ren)222s needs. þ en-US is no longer necessary or appropriate. þ 13. þ þ a. þ All siblings are in joint placement. þ þ b. þ All siblings are not in joint placement because: þ Sibling contact þ is occurring according to law. þ en-US is not occurring because en-US(see item 17 to order sibling contact)en-US: þ 14. þ The appointment of a juvenile guardian is in the best interest of the child(ren) named above in item 9.b. þ en-US The court þ þ has received and considered the information required by MCR 3.979(A)(1) and (3) and the proposed guardian should be þ þ appointed. þ 15. þ A juvenile guardian was appointed and jurisdiction over en-US en-US þ þ under MCL 712A.2(b) should be terminated. en-US(This finding is considered at the first review hearing after the appointment.) þ 16. þ A juvenile guardianship for en-US þ þ was revoked pursuant to MCR 3.979(F), and this hearing is held under MCR 3.979(F)(7). þ en-US The child(ren) was/were þ þ committed to the department for permanency planning, supervision, care, and placement under MCL 400.203. en-USIT IS ORDERED:en-US þ 17. þ Sibling contact shall be as follows: þ þ 18. þ The child(ren)222s commitment under þ en-US MCL 400.203 en-US(MCI ward) þ en-US MCL 710.29 en-US(adoption code) þ continues. þ 19. þ The department shall, for the child(ren) named in item 9.b, þ a. þ conduct a criminal record check and central registry clearance of the residents of the home of the proposed juvenile þ guardian and submit the results to the court within 7 days. þ b. þ perform a home study with a copy submitted to the court within 28 days, unless a home study has been performed þ within the immediately preceding 365 days of this order, in which case, a copy of that study shall be submitted to the þ court. þ c. þ seek the written consent for the appointment of the proposed juvenile guardian from the superintendent of the Michigan þ Children222s Institute, to be filed with the court within 28 days. þ 20. þ The child(ren) shall be placed under juvenile guardianship pursuant to MCR 3.979(B). en-US(See separate order, form JC 91.) þ 21. þ The department shall make reasonable efforts to finalize the permanency plan for each child. þ 22. þ The child(ren) has/have been adopted and the jurisdiction of this court is terminated. þ 23. þ The jurisdiction of this court is terminated because of the child(ren)222s age(s). þ 24. þ The jurisdiction of this court is terminated pursuant to MCL 712A.19c(9) and MCR 3.979(C). American LegalNet, Inc. Order After Posttermination Review/Permanency Planning Hearing þ (12/18) þ Page of Order of Case No. Petition No. en-USIT IS ORDERED:en-US (continued)en-US þ 25. þ Other: þ 26. þ Review hearings shall be held as follows: en-US(en-USNote:en-US The review hearing shall not be delayed beyond the number of days required regardless þ en-USwhether another matter is pending. MCL 712A.19a provides that the permanency planning hearing shall not be delayed beyond 12 months from the þ date of removal of the child and every 12 months thereafter.) þ en-US posttermination review hearing en-US þ en-US permanency planning hearing en-US þ en-US dispositional review hearing to terminate jurisdiction pursuant to MCR 3.979(C) en-US þ The supervising agency shall provide documentation of progress relating to all aspects of the last court-ordered treatment þ plan, including copies of evaluations and therapy reports and verification of parenting time not later than 5 business days þ before the scheduled hearing. þ þ 27. þ A hearing to appoint the juvenile guardian under MCR 3.979(B) shall be held en-USNo later than 35 daysen-US . 28. þ þ Notice of the next hearing has been provided as required by law. þ en-US Notice of the next hearing shall be provided.en-USRecommended by: Referee signature þ Date en-USDate þ en-USJudgeen-US en-USThe following are examples of compelling reasons for a permanency plan other than legal guardianship, placement en-USwith a fit and willing relative, or adoption. 1. þ No relative has been identified who is appropriate or available to assume the permanent custody of the child. 2. þ The current caregiver is not an adoptive resource. 3. þ Reasonable efforts to recruit an adoptive home have been unsuccessful. 4. þ The child does not want to be adopted and is of an age where due consideration must be given to his/her wishes. 5. þ It is contrary to the child222s best interests to break the child222s attachment to the current caregivers. 6. þ The current caregiver is committed to providing a permanent placement for the child. 7. þ The placement allows the siblings to remain together. 8. þ The child222s special needs can best be met in this placement. 9. þ The child wants to remain in the current placement, which is only available as foster care. 10. þ The placement is preparing the child for transition into independent living (specify the services being provided to the child to þ assist with transition such as referral to an independent living skills program, enrollment in a vocational program, referral for a mentor þ continued out-of-home placement in foster care beyond age 18 to allow the child to complete secondary school, placement in a resource þ that provides on-site training for independent living, and other similar services). 11. þ The child comes under the Indian Child Welfare Act and Michigan Indian Family Preservation Act, and the child222s tribe recommends þ þ permanent placement in long-term foster care. 12. þ Other (specify in the findings in item 9.d). 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