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1. þ In the matter of þ en-USname(s), alias(es) 2. þ Date of hearing: en-US þ Judge/Referee: en-USBar no. 3. þ Notice of hearing for the disposition was given as required by law. 4. þ The juvenile has appeared in court in person with parent(s), guardian, legal custodian, guardian ad litem, and þ was represented by an attorney. þ en-US waived representation by an attorney. 5. þ An adjudication was held and the court determined that the juvenile committed the following offense(s) and/or the following þ offense(s) has/have been dismissed: en-USCounten-USADJUDICATED BYen-USDISMISSEDen-USALLEGATIONSen-USCHARGE CODE(S)en-USPlea*en-USCourten-USJuryen-USBy*en-USMCL Citation/PACC Codeen-US*For plea, insert 223A224 for admission or 223NC224 for nolo contendere. For dismissal, insert 223D224 for dismissed by court or 223NP224 for dismissed by prosecutor/plaintiff.en-US6 . þ Specific findings of fact and law regarding this proceeding have been made on the record. þ þ 7. þ HIV testing and sex offender registration are completed. þ 8. þ A DNA sample is already on file with the Michigan State Police from a previous petition. No assessment is required. þ 9. þ The juvenile222s biometric data has been collected in accordance with MCL 28.243. þ 10. þ The offense adjudicated is abstractable to the Secretary of State under MCL 257.625(21)(a), MCL 257.732, þ MCL 324.80131, MCL þ 324.81134(12), MCL 324.81135(7), MCL 324.82157, or MCL 333.7408a(12). þ þ The juvenile's driver's license number is en-US en-US . þ 11. þ The licensing sanction is reportable to the Michigan State Police under MCL 333.7408a(12) or MCL 257.625(21)(b). þ Revoked. þ en-US Suspended en-US days. þ en-US Restricted en-US en-US days. American LegalNet, Inc. Order of Disposition, In-Home þ (12/18) þ Page of Case No. Petition No. IT IS ORDERED: þ en-USUse Note: en-USIf the juvenile is placed in foster care or other out-of-home placement, use form JC 14b. þ 12. þ en-USName (type or print)en-US is warned and the petition is dismissed.* þ 13. þ The juvenile is placed on probation. Probation terms are þ attached. þ en-US specified in a separate order of probation. þ 14. þ Other: en-US(Include reimbursement as required by MCL 712A.18[2] or as permitted by MCL 769.1f.) þ 15. þ Restitution as follows: 16. þ The juvenile shall pay þ $25.00 for Crime Victim222s Rights Fund. þ en-US State minimum costs en-USSpecify for each counten-US . þ þ $ en-US en-US DNA assessment (not required if item 8 is checked). þ þ 17. þ The review hearing is en-USDate and timeen-US . þ 18. þ The petition is dismissed.* en-USRecommended by: Referee signature þ Date en-USDate þ en-USJudgeen-US*Note: en-USCheck 12 only if all or some of the material allegations en-USare sustaineden-US. Check 18 only if all of the material allegations en-USare not sustaineden-US. American LegalNet, Inc.