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Approved, SCAO STATE OF MICHIGAN REQUEST AND ORDER FOR CASE NO. JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION FINGERPRINTING / PETITION NO. COUNTY PHOTOGRAPHING / LINEUP Court address Court telephone no.Police report no. USE NOTE: This form is to be used for ordering fingerprinting only when fingerprinting is not required by law. If fingerprinting is required by law, use MC 233, Order for Fingerprints, when the fingerprints were not taken at arrest. 1. In the matter of (name(s), alias(es), DOB) REQUEST 2. A petition complaint has been filed alleging violation of a criminal law or ordinance. a. the juvenile is under investigation for the following act(s): b. the basis for believing the juvenile is involved is: 3. Proper further identifying investigation requires that the juvenile be fingerprinted. photographed. 4. I am the prosecuting attorney for this county and proper further identifying investigation requires the court to order the juvenile to appear at on for identification by a person. presentation in a corporeal lineup. 5. I request that this court authorize the action specified above. I declare that this request has been examined by me and that its contents are true to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief. Signature Date Agency/Address Name (type or print) City, state, and zip Telephone no. ORDER THE COURT FINDS: 6. A petition complaint alleging violation of a criminal law or ordinance has been filed with the court. 7. It appears further investigation requires fingerprinting. photographing. corporeal lineup. identification by person.IT IS ORDERED: 8. Corporeal lineup of the juvenile or other identification of the juvenile by a person is authorized. The juvenile and parent, guardian, or legal custodian must appear at the place and time stated in item 4 above and is advised as stated on the back of this order. 9. Fingerprinting photographing of the juvenile is authorized . The fingerprints and/or photographs shall be filed with the court within 14 days of this order, unless the time period is extended by order of the court. The identification shall be placed in the juveniles confidential file, capable of being located and destroyed on court order. Date Judge Bar no. Do not write below this line - For court use only JC 16 (6/03) REQUEST AND ORDER FOR FINGERPRINTING / PHOTOGRAPHING / LINEUP MCL 712A.32, MCR 3.923(C), (D)>>>> 2 NOTICE TO JUVENILE AND PARENT / GUARDIAN / LEGAL CUSTODIANAdvice Regarding Lineup: You are advised that: the juvenile has the right to consult with an attorney; the juvenile has the right to have an attorney present during the identification procedure; if the juvenile and the juveniles parent, guardian, or legal custodian cannot afford an attorney,the court will appoint an attorney for the juvenile if requested on the record or in writing by the juvenile or the juveniles parent, guardian, or legal custodian.