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Approved, SCAO Original - Officer return 1st copy - Court 2nd copy - Defendant 3rd copy - Plaintiff STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court address APPLICATION AND ORDER OF EVICTION Landlord-Tenant / Land Contract CASE NO. Court telephone no. Plaintiff's name, address, and telephone no. Defendant's name(s) and address(es) v Plaintiff's attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no. NOTE: An application may be required even though a request for an order of eviction is granted in the judgment. APPLICATION 1. On Date judgment was entered against the defendant(s) and the plaintiff was awarded possession of the following described property: 2. No payment has been made on the judgment or no rent has been received since the date of judgment, except the sum of $ received under the following conditions: 3. The plaintiff has complied with the terms of the judgment. 4. The time stated in the judgment before an order of eviction can be issued has elapsed. I declare that the statements above are true to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief. Date Plaintiff/Attorney signature ORDER OF EVICTION IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN: To the Court Officer: You are ordered to restore the plaintiff to, and put the plaintiff in, full possession of the premises. Date issued Judge Bar no. MCL 600.5744, MCR 4.201(L), MCR 4.202(K) American LegalNet, Inc. NOTE: In tenancy cases, this order must be executed within 56 days of the issuance date. DC 107 (3/16) APPLICATION AND ORDER OF EVICTION, Landlord-Tenant / Land Contract APPLICATION AND ORDER OF EVICTION CASE NO. RETURN I certify and return that on Date I executed the order of eviction on the other side of this form by evicting Name(s) from the property, and I have restored the plaintiff to peaceful possession as ordered. Date Service fee Miles traveled Fee (Deputy) sheriff/Court officer/Bailiff $ $ $ TOTAL FEE Incorrect address fee Miles traveled Fee $ $ American LegalNet, Inc.