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Original - Court Approved, SCAO 1st copy - All appearing parties STATE OF MICHIGAN CASE NO. MOTION AND ORDER FOR ESCROW JUDICIAL DISTRICT Landlord-Tenant / Land Contract Court address Court telephone no.Plaintiff name(s), address(es), and telephone no.(s) Defendant name(s), address(es), and telephone no.(s) v Plaintiff attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no. Defendant attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no. MOTION 1. I request that the court order defendant(s) to pay rent for the proper
ty to be held in escrow by the court until further order. 2. An escrow order is necessary because: Date Plaintiff(s)/Attorney signature Bar no. ORDER IT IS ORDERED: 3. shall deposit with the court $ for prorated rent from the date of this order to the next date rent is due and $ per on the date rent is ordinarily due until further order. 4. Conditions: a. Payments must be paid to the court within 7 days of the date of the orde
r and thereafter within 7 days of the date rent is ordinarily due. b. Plaintiff must not interfere with defendants obligation to comply with
this order. c. If defendant does not comply with this order, defendant waives the right
to a jury trial as to the possession issue. Plaintiff is entitled to an immediate trial within 14 days which may be by jury if
plaintiff requests it and the court schedule permits. d. Other: Date Judge Bar no. American LegalNet, Inc. DC 109 (6/05) MOTION AND ORDER FOR ESCROW, Landlord-Tenant / Land Contract MCR 4.201