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Statement Of Money Lender For Participation Permit Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Liquor Control Commission Statewide.
Tags: Statement Of Money Lender For Participation Permit, LC 1127, Michigan Statewide, Liquor Control Commission
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Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
7150 Harris Drive, P.O. Box 30005
Lansing, Michigan 48909-7505
Request ID #
Business ID #
[Authorized by R 436.1105]
INSTRUCTIONS: Anyone (including applicants, stockholders, members, banks, partners, etc.) loaning money to a
person obtaining an interest in a licensed business must complete the Money Lenders Statement. R 436.1105(1) (b)
requires that applicants have adequate financial resources from legitimate and verifiable sources. Verification of financing
is required before the Participation Permit application can be considered. Please complete this statement, sign and return
it to the MLCC.
I am loaning $__________________ to _________________________________________________________________
Name of Applicant
to obtain a Participation Permit for the licensed business located at:
Street and Number
City or Village
Zip Code
The debt is secured by the following instruments:
The following persons are acting as co-signers or co-makers:
The debt is repayable as follows:
I ___ will ____ will not have an interest in the licensed business other than as creditor for the debt listed.
I ___ do ____ do not hold any position, either by appointment or election, which involves the duty to enforce any penal
law of the United State of America, or the penal laws of the State of Michigan, or any penal ordinance or
resolution of any municipal subdivisions of the State of Michigan.
I ___ do ____ do not hold any class of license for the manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages at wholesale in
Michigan, or any interest (stockholder/member) in any class of license for the sale of alcoholic liquor in
Michigan which would be in conflict with the granting of this license
I am prepared to present any documentation required for verification of these funds.
My occupation is: __________________________________________________________________________________
Source of Funds, current account balance and date account was opened:
Signature of Money Lender
LC-1127 (Rev. 04/11)
Authority: R 436.1105
Completion: Mandatory
Penalty: No License and/or Permit
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Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
American LegalNet, Inc.