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Approved, SCAO PCS CODE: PSR TCS CODE: PSR STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF Estate of PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE (DECEDENT ESTATE) FILE NO. First, middle, and last name 1. I am the personal representative of this estate. 2. I intend to sell the following real estate (provide legal description): for the purpose of to Name (type or print) for $ on the following terms and conditions (specify terms and conditions or attach purchase agreement): . Attached is a copy of the most recent assessor's statement or tax statement showing the state equalized value of the property, which is $ Mortgage(s): $ . The following are outstanding liens: Taxes: $ Other: $ 3. It is in estate's best interests to sell the real property for the following reasons: . 4. The value of the remaining personal property is $ The amount of unpaid debts and taxes is $ a total amount of $ . and the real property is $ . . The personal representative is currently bonded for 5. The interested parties, their addresses, and their representatives are identical to those appearing on the initial petition except as follows: (For each person whose address changed, list the name and new address; attach separate sheet if necessary.) (PLEASE SEE OTHER SIDE) Bond is set at $ Date: Authorized signature: PC 681 (9/16) American LegalNet, Inc. . Do not write below this line - For court use only PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE (DECEDENT ESTATE) MCL 700.3415, MCL 700.3505 MCL 700.3704, MCR 5.207 6. I request that the court approve this sale of real estate and determine whether a bond needs to be filed. I declare under the penalties of perjury that this petition has been examined by me and that its contents are true to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief. Attorney signature Attorney name (type or print) Address City, state, zip Telephone no. Bar no. Date Signature Address City, state, zip Telephone no. American LegalNet, Inc.