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Approved, SCAO OSM CODE: PAA STATE OF MICHIGAN FILE NO. PROBATE COURT PETITION TO ALLOW ACCOUNT(S) COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT - FAMILY DIVISION Estate of 1. One or more accounts listing all income and other receipts and expenses and other disbursements which have come to my knowledge during the accounting period(s) have been filed with the court. 2. The interested persons, addresses, and their representatives are identical to those appearing on the initial application/petition, except as follows: 3. Fiduciary fees and expenses of $ and attorney fees and costs of $ remain unpaid.I REQUEST: 4. The court approve my fees and expenses and attorney fees and costs as set forth in the itemized statements attached to the account. 5. That the account(s) be allowed as my interim account. account(s). specify whether 1st, 2nd, 3rd accounts, annual, final account 6. I am the conservator and I request allowance of my final account, that I be discharged, bond (if any) be cancelled, and the continued. estate be closed. I declare under the penalties of perjury that this petition has been examined by me and that its contents are true to the best of myinformation, knowledge, and belief. Date Attorney signature Fiduciary signature Attorney name (type or print) Bar no. Fiduciary name (type or print) Address Address City, state, zip Telephone no. City, state, zip Telephone no. Do not write below this line - For court use only MCL 330.1631, MCL 700.5418,PC 585a (9/01) PETITION TO ALLOW ACCOUNT(S) MCR 5.310(C)(2)(c), MCR 5.409(C), MCR 5.769, MCR 8.303