Publication Of Notice
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Publication Of Notice Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Probate Statewide.
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Tags: Publication Of Notice, PC 563a, Michigan Statewide, Probate
Approved, SCAO JIS CODE: PON STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF In the matter of TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:* FILE NO. PUBLICATION OF NOTICE whose address(es) are unknown and whose interest in the matter may be barred or affected by the following: TAKE NOTICE:* Date Attorney name (type or print) Address City, state, zip Telephone no. Bar no. Petitioner name (type or print) Address City, state, zip Telephone no. PUBLISH ABOVE INFORMATION ONLY Publish Furnish time(s) in Name of publication in County. . copies to Furnish affidavit of publication to the court. Forward statement for publication charges to . *NOTE TO PREPARER: After "TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS," list the names of all the interested persons who must receive notice. After "TAKE NOTICE," insert the information of which the interested persons are to be notified. For example, if the Notice of Intent to Request Informal Appointment of Personal Representative (form PC 557) must be served by publication, copy the information from that notice onto this form. USE NOTE: If this form is being filed in the circuit court family division, please enter the court name and county in the upper left-hand corner of the form. Do not write below this line - For court use only PC 563a (9/10) PUBLICATION OF NOTICE American LegalNet, Inc. MCL 700.1401(1), MCL 700.3310, MCR 5.105(A)(3), MCR 5.106, MCR 5.309(C), (D)