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Annual Report Of Guardian On Condition Of Minor Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Probate Statewide.
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Tags: Annual Report Of Guardian On Condition Of Minor, PC 654, Michigan Statewide, Probate
en-USThis report should be completed annually by the guardian, or more often if directed by the court.en-USIn the matter of First, middle, and last name , minor þ 1. þ I, Name (type or print) en-US , am the guardian of the above named minor and my annual þ report for the period Date en-US to Date en-US is as follows: 2. þ Present age of the minor: en-US 3. þ en-USLiving Arrangement þ a. þ The current address and telephone number of the minor are: þ Check here if this is a new address en-US . þ b. þ The minor's residence is: þ þ guardian's home þ relative's home: Relationship þ þ other: þ c. þ The minor has been in the present residence since Date en-US . If moved within the past year, state þ the changes and the reasons for change: þ þ d. þ I rate the minor's living arrangement asþ þ excellent. þ þ average. þ þ below average. þ e. þ I believe the minor is þ þ content with the living situation. þ þ þ unhappy with the living situation. þ þ f. þ I recommend a more suitable living arrangement for the minor as follows: þ þ 4. þ en-USPhysical Health þ a. þ The minor's current physical condition is þ þ excellent. þ good. þ þ fair. þ þ poor. þ b. þ During the past year the minor's physical condition has þ þ remained about the same. þ þ improved. Explain þ þ worsened. Explain þ c. þ During the past year the minor received the following medical treatment (include check-ups and optical and dental work): en-US Dateen-USAilmenten-USType of Treatmenten-USDoctor222s Name American LegalNet, Inc. en-USFile No.en-US 5. þ Education þ þ þ a. þ The minor regularly attends school at þ and is in grade en-US . þ þ b. þ The minor attends alternative education at þ and is in grade en-US . þ þ c. þ The minor does not attend school because en-US . 6. þ en-USActivities of Minor þ a. þ The minor's social activities (including sports) are: þ en-US . þ b. þ During the past year the minor has been in counseling with þ at en-US . þ c. þ During the past year the minor received in-patient services at en-US . 7. þ en-USParenting timeen-US between the minor and parents was as follows: þ a. þ Parent222s name and current address: þ Parenting time: þ b. þ Parent222s name and current address: þ Parenting time: þ c. þ Comments about parenting time: þ 8. þ Parents complied with the þ þ court-structured plan þ þ limited guardianship placement plan þ as follows: þ þ þ Changes should be made to the plan as follows: þ þ 9. þ The guardianship þ þ should þ þ should not þ be continued because: þ 10. I þ þ am þ þ am not þ willing to continue to serve as guardian. þ 11. As guardian, I have been ordered by the court to file an annual account, which is attached. Date þ Date þ Signature of guardian þ Signature of co-guardian (if applicable) Address þ Address þ þ City, state, zip Telephone no. þ City, state, zip Telephone no. Check here if this is a new address þ Check here if this is a new address þ American LegalNet, Inc.