Notice Of Guardianship Proceedings Concerning An Indian Child (PC 670)
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Notice Of Guardianship Proceedings Concerning An Indian Child (PC 670) Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Probate Statewide.
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Tags: Notice Of Guardianship Proceedings Concerning An Indian Child (PC 670), PC 678, Michigan Statewide, Probate
en-USIn the matter of Name of minor Indian child þ en-USTO: þ þ en-USTAKE NOTICE: 1. þ A petition regarding guardianship of the Indian child named above has been filed. A hearing will be held on this petition onþ Date en-US at Time en-US at Location en-US . 2. þ A copy of the petition is attached to this notice. 3. þ You have the absolute right to intervene in this proceeding and, absent objection by either Indian parent, you have the rightþ þ to petition the court to have this case transferred to the Tribal court of the þ Tribe. The Tribal court may decline the transfer. 4. þ You may object to a transfer of this case to the Tribal court. 5. þ As a parent or Indian custodian, you have the right to a court-appointed attorney if you are determined indigent. If youþ intend to request a court-appointed attorney, you should contact the court immediately by telephone or in writing. en-USIf you choose to attend this hearing and you require special accommodations to use the court because of a disability or if youen-USrequire a foreign language interpreter to help you fully participate in court proceedings, please contact the court immediately to en-USmake arrangements.en-USUSE NOTE:en-US This notice must be sent to the parties by personal service or registerd mail, return receipt requested. If this form is being filed in the circuit court family division, please enter the court name and county in the upper left-hand corner of the form. þ þ þ en-US(Name and telephone no. en-USof natural parent or Indian en-US(Use only if identity of parents, en-UScustodian, or tribe is unknown.en-USIf grandparent[s] are known, pleaseen-USattach a sheet with name[s] anden-USdate[s] of birth.)en-USMidwest Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairsen-US5600 West American Blvd., Suite 500en-USNorman Pointe II Buildingen-USBloomington, MN 55437en-US(612) 725-4500 American LegalNet, Inc.