Order Regarding Appointment Of Guardian Of Incapacitated Individual
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Order Regarding Appointment Of Guardian Of Incapacitated Individual Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Probate Statewide.
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Tags: Order Regarding Appointment Of Guardian Of Incapacitated Individual, PC 631, Michigan Statewide, Probate
en-USIn the matter of First, middle, and last name en-USCourt ORIen-USDate of birthen-USRaceen-USSexen-USCurrent address of incapacitated individual 1. þ Date of hearing: þ Judge: Bar no.en-USTHE COURT FINDS: 2. þ Notice of hearing was given to or waived by all interested persons. þ 3. þ The individual is not in need of a guardian. þ 4. þ Upon the presentation of clear and convincing evidence, the individual named above, by reason of þ þ mental illness mental deficiency þ en-US chronic use of drugs þ þ physical illness or disability þ en-US other: þ is impaired to the extent of lacking sufficient understanding or capacity to make or communicate informed decisions and þ is an incapacitated individual. þ 5. þ Upon the presentation of clear and convincing evidence, appointment of a guardian is necessary as a means of providing þ continuing care and supervision of the individual. þ 6. þ The individual is þ partially þ totally þ without the capacity to care for himself/herself. þ 7. þ There is no competent, suitable person willing to act as guardian, and the appointment of a professional guardian is in the þ best interests of the adult. A bond must be filed. þ 8. þ Financial protection is required for the individual. en-USIT IS ORDERED: 9. þ The petition for appointment of guardian is þ granted. þ denied on the merits. þ en-US dismissed/withdrawn. þ 10. þ Name (type or print) en-US , whose address and telephone number are: þ Address City State Zip Telephone no. þ is appointed þ limited þ full þ guardian of the adult and shall qualify by filing an acceptance of appointment.þ þ Bond at $ en-US must be filed. þ The guardian is not permitted to act until letters of guardianship are issued. After qualification, the guardian shall comply þ with all relevant requirements under the law. þ 11. þ Upon acceptance of appointment, the guardian shall petition for the appointment of a conservator or for another protective þ order under MCL 700.5401 en-USet seqen-US. þ 12. þ The limited guardian shall have only the following powers: 13. þ If a guardian is appointed, the Michigan Department of State Police shall immediately enter the legally incapacitated þ individual222s identifying information in this court order on the law enforcement information network. þ 14. þ The þ attorney þ guardian ad litem þ for the individual is discharged. þ 15. þ en-USIT IS FURTHER ORDERED: þ Judge Attorney name (type or print) Bar no. þ Address City State Zip Telephone no. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com