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Petition To Terminate Modify Guardianship Legally Incapacitated Individual Minor Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Probate Statewide.
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Tags: Petition To Terminate Modify Guardianship Legally Incapacitated Individual Minor, PC 675, Michigan Statewide, Probate
Approved, SCAO þ PCS CODE: PTGTCS CODE: PMGCSTATE OF MICHIGANPROBATE COURTCOUNTY OF PETITION TO TERMINATE þ MODIFYGUARDIANSHIP LEGALLY INCAPACITATED INDIVIDUAL þ MINORFILE NO.In the matter of First, middle, and last name þ Court ORIDate of birthRaceSexCurrent address of ward 1. þ I am interested in this matter as en-USState relationship/interesten-US . þ 2. þ a. þ The interested persons for the minor, their relationship to the minor, and their addresses are: en-USNAMEen-USRELATIONSHIPen-USADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBERen-USParenten-USDOB en-US en-US en-USStreet addressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USTelephone No.en-USParenten-USDOB en-US en-USStreet addressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USTelephone No.en-USConservatoren-USStreet addressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USTelephone No.en-USGuardianen-USStreet addressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USTelephone No.en-USPerson with care/en-UScustody of minor*en-USStreet addressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USTelephone No.en-US*Also list persons who had principal care and custody of the minor during the 63 days preceding filing the petition. þ þ þ b. þ The minor is a member of an Indian tribe, or is eligible for membership in an Indian tribe. The name of the tribe is þ þ en-US en-US . þ þ The minor is not an Indian child as defined by MCR 3.002(12). þ þ It is unknown whether the minor is an Indian child as defined by MCR 3.002(12). þ c. þ If this guardianship is terminated, the minor child will be returned to þ þ þ en-US en-US en-US . American LegalNet, Inc. File No. þ 3. þ The incapacitated individual, whose telephone number is en-US en-US , has a guardian whose address is þ en-US en-US and has þ þ a spouse þ þ adult child(ren) þ þ living parents þ whose name(s) and address(es) are listed below. þ þ no spouse, adult child(ren), or parent(s). The names and addresses of presumptive heirs** are listed below. þ þ none of the above (must notify the Attorney General***). en-USNAMEen-USRELATIONSHIPen-USADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBERen-USStreet addressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USTelephone no.en-USGuardianen-USStreet addressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USTelephone no.en-US**Presumptive heirs includes minor children, if any.en-US***Notify the Attorney General by sending a copy of this form to: Attorney General, Public Administration, PO Box 30755, Lansing, MI 48909. þ 4. þ The reasons why the court should take action are en-US þ en-US en-US .en-USI REQUESTen-US that the court: þ 5. þ Terminate the guardianship. þ 6. þ Accept the guardian's resignation. þ 7. þ Remove the guardian who þ has þ has not þ been suspended. þ 8. þ Appoint en-USName (type or print) Address þ en-USCity State Zip Telephone no. þ as successor guardian. þ þ 9. þ Appoint en-USName (type or print) Address þ en-USCity State Zip Telephone no. þ as a temporary guardian pending appointment of a successor. þ 10. þ Modify the powers of the guardian as follows: en-US þ en-US þ en-US en-USI declare under the penalties of perjury that this petition has been examined by me and that its contents are true to the best of en-USmy information, knowledge, and belief. þ en-USDate en-USAttorney signature þ en-USPetitioner signature en-USName (type or print) Bar no. þ en-USName (type or print) en-USAddress þ en-USAddress en-USCity, state, zip Telephone no. þ City, state, zip þ Telephone no. en-USNOMINATION BY MINOR: þ I am 14 years of age or older. I nominate en-USNameen-US as my guardian, who lives at þ en-USAddress City State Zipen-US .en-US en-USDate þ en-USSignature of minor American LegalNet, Inc.