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Report Of Guardian On Condition Of Individual With Developmental Disability Form. This is a Michigan form and can be use in Probate Statewide.
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Tags: Report Of Guardian On Condition Of Individual With Developmental Disability, PC 663, Michigan Statewide, Probate
This report should be completed annually by the guardian or more often if directed by the court.In the matter of First, middle, and last name , an individual with a developmental disability þ Do not write below this line - For court use only Date Signature of reviewer Court action to be taken 1. þ I, en-USName (type or print)en-US , am the guardian of the individual named above, and I report for þ the period en-USDateen-US to en-USDateen-US . 2. þ Present age of the individual: en-US en-US Individual's date of birth: en-US 3. þ The current address and telephone number of the individual are: en-US þ en-US en-USCheck here if this is a new addressen-US . 4. þ The individual's present living arrangement is: þ þ own home þ þ relative's home þ en-USRelationship þ þ hospital or medical center þ þ guardian's home þ þ community placement home þ þ other: en-US 5. þ The individual has been in the present residence since en-US en-US . Descriptions and addresses of every þ residence where the individual has lived during this reporting period and the length of stay at each residence are as follows: þ þ en-US þ þ en-US 6. þ I rate the individual's present living arrangements as þ þ excellent. þ þ average. þ þ þ below average. þ en-USExplain if below average 7. þ I believe the individual is þ þ content with the living situation. þ þ unhappy with the living situation. I recommend a þ more suitable residence as follows: en-USDescribe 8. þ The individual's mental condition has þ þ remained about the same. þ þ improved. þ þ deteriorated. þ en-USDescribe the changes þ 9. þ The individual's physical health has þ þ remained about the same. þ þ improved. þ þ deteriorated. þ en-USDescribe the changes þ þ 10. þ The individual's social condition has þ þ remained about the same. þ þ improved. þ þ deteriorated. þ en-USDescribe the changes American LegalNet, Inc. File No. 11. þ The individual has received the following services: þ þ medical. þ þ educational. þ þ vocational. þ þ other professional services. þ en-USDescribe þ en-US 12. þ My visits with and activities on behalf of the individual were: en-US þ en-US 13. þ I believe the individual has the following needs: en-US þ en-US þ en-US 14. þ I have the following questions concerning the individual or my responsibilities: en-US þ en-US þ en-US 15. þ Other information requested by the court or necessary in the opinion of the guardian is as follows: en-US þ en-US þ en-US 16. þ The guardianship þ should þ should not þ be continued because: en-US þ en-US þ en-US þ 17. þ As guardian, I have been ordered by the court to file an annual account, which is attached. 18. þ Comments: en-USDate þ en-USDate þ en-USSignature of guardian þ en-USSignature of co-guardian (if applicable) en-USAddress þ en-USAddress þ þ en-USCity, state, zip Telephone no. þ en-USCity, state, zip Telephone no. Check here if this is a new address þ Check here if this is a new address þ þ en-USI am the appointed standby guardian and am willing to continue to serve in the event the guardian dies, becomes unable to en-USserve, or resigns from the guardianship. en-USDate þ en-USSignature of standby guardian en-USAddress þ en-USCity, state, zip Telephone no. en-US Check here if this is a new addressen-USSTATEMENT BY STANDBY GUARDIAN American LegalNet, Inc.