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Notice Of Hearing And Motion (Sample And Form) Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Notice Of Hearing And Motion (Sample And Form), 9013-2, Minnesota Federal, Bankruptcy Court
LOCAL FORM 9013 - 2 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA In re: Case No. Debtor (s) . NOTICE OF HEARING AND MOTION TO: The debtor(s) and other entitie s specified in Local Rule 9013 - 3 . 1. [ i nsert movant name ] moves the court for the relief requested below and gives notice of hearing. 2. The court will hold a hearing on this motion at [insert time including am. or pm. ] on [insert date], in Courtroom No. [insert Courtroom number] , at t he United States Courthouse, at [insert street address], i n [insert city] , Minnesota. 3. Any response to this motion must be filed and served not later than [insert day of the week and date] , which is five days before the time set for the hearing (including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays). UNLESS A RESPONSE OP POSING THE MOTION IS TIMELY FILED, THE COURT MAY GRANT THE MOTION WITHOUT A HEARING. 4. This court has jurisdiction over this motion pursuant to 28 USC ' ' 157 and 1334, FRBP 5005 a nd Local Rule 1070 - 1. This proceeding is a core proceeding. The petition commencing this chapter [insert chapter] case was filed on [insert date filed] . The case is now pending in this court. 5. This motion arises under 11 USC ' [insert section] and FRBP [insert rule] . This motion is filed under FRBP 9014 and Local Rules [insert rules] . Movant requests relief with respect to [insert details of relief requested ]. [ P er FRBP 9013, the motion must state with particularity the grounds for the motion and must set forth the relief or order sought] Wherefore, [insert movant nam e ] moves the court for an order that [insert relief requested] and such other relief as may be just and equitable. Dated: Signed: Attorney for: [insert name, address, telephone and license # of attorney for movant] Verification. I, [insert name] , t he moving party , OR [insert title] of the movant, OR a partner of the partnership movant named in the foregoing notice of hearing and motion, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct according to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Executed on: Signed: Name and Address of Subscriber American LegalNet, Inc.