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Reaffirmation Agremeement Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Reaffirmation Agremeement, 4008-1a, Minnesota Federal, Bankruptcy Court
[Indicate all documents included in this filing by checking each applicable box.]GGGGG[Check this box if]Before Agreeing to Reaffirm a Debt, Review These Important Disclosures The amount of debt you have agreed to reaffirm includes all fees and costs (if any) that haveaccrued as of the date of this disclosure. Your credit agreement may obligate you to pay additionalamounts which may come due after the date of this disclosure. Consult your credit agreement.GG American LegalNet, Inc. [The annual percentage rate can be disclosed in different ways, depending on the type of debt.]--- And/Or --- American LegalNet, Inc. Optional ---At the election of the creditor, a repayment schedule using one or a combination ofthe following may be provided: 227 Or 227227 Or 227 American LegalNet, Inc. [Abrogated] American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. [To be filed only if the attorney represented the debtor during the course of negotiatingthis agreement.]G [Check box, if applicable and the creditor is not a Credit Union.]American LegalNet, Inc. [Read and complete sections 1 and 2, OR , if the creditor is a Credit Union andthe debtor is represented by an attorney, read section 3. Sign the appropriatesignature line(s) and date your signature. If you complete sections 1 and 2and your income less monthly expenses does not leave enough to make thepayments under this reaffirmation agreement, check the box at the top of page1 indicating 223Presumption of Undue Hardship.224 Otherwise, check the box atthe top of page 1 indicating 223No Presumption of Undue Hardship224] Or 227 [If the creditor is a Credit Union and the debtor is represented by an attorney]