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Notice Of Appeal (Criminal) Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in District Court Federal.
Tags: Notice Of Appeal (Criminal), Minnesota Federal, District Court
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT District of Minnesota NOTICE OF APPEAL USCA 8 NO United States of America Plaintiff vs Defendant District Court Docket Number District Court Judge Notice is given that for the Eighth Circuit from the entered in this action on appeals to the United States Court of Appeals 9 Judgment & Commitment 9 Order (Specify) Signature of Defendant's Counsel Street Address/Room Number City State Zip Typed name of Defendant's Counsel ( ) Telephone Number Date TRANSCRIPT ORDER FORM TO BE COMPLETED BY ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT 9 Please Prepare a transcript of: 9 I am not ordering a transcript because 9 9 9 9 9 9 Pre-trial proceedings Testimony or Portions thereof Sentencing Post Trial Proceedings Other (Specify) 9 9 Previously filed Other (Specify) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Appellant hereby certifies that copies of this notice of appeal/transcript order form have been filed/served upon US District Court, court reporter and all counsel of record, and that satisfactory arrangements for payment of costs of transcripts ordered have been made with the court reporter. (FRAP 10(b)). Method of payment _____Funds, ______ CJA Form 24 completed (see separate CJA 24 form in criminal appeals form) Attorney's Signature NOTE: Complete All Items on Reverse Side Date American LegalNet, Inc. INFORMATION SHEET TO BE COMPLETED BY ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT 1. 2. Defendant's Address : Date of Sentence: Offenses: ADDRESS REDACTED ADDRESS REDACTED 9 Jury 9 Non-Jury Trial Testimony - Number of days 3. Bail Status: Sentence and Date Imposed: Appealing: Challenging: Sentence 4. 9 Conviction 9 Both 9 9 9 9 Application of Sentencing Guidelines Constitutionality of Guidelines Both Application and Constitutionality 5. Date Trial Transcript ordered by Counsel or District Court: Stenographer in Charge : (Name, Address, Phone) 6. Trial Counsel Was: 9 9 Yes Appointed (no fee required) 9 No Retained (filing fee $505 unless IFP granted) Does Defendant's financial status warrant appointment of counsel on appeal? 9 Affidavit of Financial Status filed: Is there any reason why trial counsel should not be appointed as counsel on appeal? 9 Yes 9 No Assistant US Attorney Name and Phone Number: 7. Court Reporter Acknowledgment Date Order Received Court Reporter Signature Estimated Completion Date Est. Number of Pages Date Noticeofappeal (11/05) American LegalNet, Inc.