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Foreign Corporation Annual Renewal Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in Corporations Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Foreign Corporation Annual Renewal, 28, Minnesota Secretary Of State, Corporations
Minnesota Statutes Chapter 303
Must be filed by December 31
Filing Fee: $115.00
1. File#:
2. Governed under the laws of the State of:
3. Corporate Name Used in Minnesota: (Required)
4. Legal Name in State of Incorporation:
5. Registered Agent/ Registered Office Address in Minnesota : (Required)
Agent Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Street: ______________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________________ State: MN Zip:________________________________
Name and business address of C.E.O. (Chief Executive Officer): (Required)
6. Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Street: ______________________________________________________________________________________
City:________________________________________State:_______________________ Zip:_________________
7. Does this corporation own, lease, or have any financial interest in agricultural land or land capable of being
farmed? Yes_____ No _____
8. Name, daytime telephone number and e-mail address of contact person for the corporation:
Name: __________________________________Phone: (_____ )_________________________ Ext. __________
E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
NOTICE: Failure to file this form by December 31 of this year will result in the revocation of this
corporation without further notice from the Secretary of State, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section
American LegalNet, Inc.
All foreign corporations, excluding nonprofits, governed under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 303 are required to file an annual
renewal once every calendar year.
A foreign corporation that has been revoked may reinstate its Certificate of Authority to Transact Business in Minnesota by
completing and returning a Reinstatement Application ($300.00 fee), past due annual renewals ($115.00 fee per annual) and
the annual renewal and $115.00 fee due for the year of reinstatement.
1. File Number: Provide the file number issued by the Minnesota Secretary of State.
2. Governed under the Laws of the State of: (Required) List the State under the laws of which the corporation is governed.
3 - 4. Corporate Name: (Required) If the corporate name has changed, an amendment changing the name is required to be
filed with our office with an additional $50.00 filing fee.
Submit the amendment with the annual renewal for filing.
5. Registered Agent, if any and Registered Office Address: (Required) If changes to the registered agent or registered
office are necessary a "Notice of Change of Registered Office/Agent" form and an additional $50.00 filing fee is required.
Submit the “Notice of Change of Registered Office/Agent form with the annual renewal for filing.
6. Name and Business Address of Chief Executive Officer: (Required) Fill in the name and complete business address of
the Chief Executive Officer or other person who carries out the functions as C.E.O. of the corporation.
7. Does the corporation own, lease, or have any financial interest in agricultural land or land capable of being
farmed? This question is optional. Check Yes or No.
8. Name, daytime telephone number and e-mail address of contact person for the corporation: Please list a name,
daytime telephone number and e-mail address of a person who can be contacted about this form.
Filing Fee: $115.00 Payable to the MN Secretary of State
If this form is being mailed with a Reinstatement Application or an amendment, please submit all items together and mail to
the address below:
Minnesota Secretary of State - Renewals
Retirement Systems of Minnesota Building
60 Empire Drive, Suite 100
St Paul, MN 55103
(Staffed 8:00 - 4:00, Monday - Friday, excluding holidays)
To obtain a copy of a form you can go to our web site at , or contact us between 9:00am to 4:00pm,
Monday through Friday at (651) 296-2803 or toll free 1-877-551-6SOS (6767).
All of the information on this form is public. Minnesota law requires certain information to be provided for this type of
filing. If that information is not included, your document may be returned unfiled. This document can be made available in
alternative formats, such as large print, Braille or audio tape, by calling (651)296-2803/voice. For a TTY/TTD (deaf and hard
of hearing) communication, contact the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529 and ask them to place a call to (651)2962803. The Secretary of State's Office does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national
origin, age, marital status, disability, religion, reliance on public assistance or political opinions or affiliations in employment
or the provision of service.
American LegalNet, Inc.