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Central Notification System Buyer Registration Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in Uniform Commercial Code Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Central Notification System Buyer Registration Form, Minnesota Secretary Of State, Uniform Commercial Code
OFFICE OF THE MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE Central Notification System Buyer Registration Form Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 336A.08and 336A.11 Use this form when registering to receive your CNS monthly list on paper, or register online at Read the instructions (next page) before completing the form. Filing Options: (check one) Start New Registration Terminate Registration No Fee Buyer Account Number (if terminating or changing email or address information) # Check monthly list option: Email: Buyer Information: Paper List: 1. Buyer's Name: 2. Mailing Address: Street Address (A PO Box by its self is not acceptable) City State ZIP Code 3. Buyer's Contact Information: Name Daytime Phone Number Email Address American LegalNet, Inc. INSTRUCTIONS General Information: Farm products dealers may register with the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State to receive master lists of security interests in farm products and farm products statutory liens. Registration is made for a 12-month period. Registered farm products dealers must renew their registration on or before the 12-month anniversary of their registration or subsequent 12-month anniversaries. Buyers can easily renew their subscription online in the Minnesota Business and Lien System (MBLS). Failure to renew will result in the farm products dealer not receiving the monthly list. Lists will be distributed or made available on or before the tenth day of each month, or on the next business day thereafter if the tenth day is not a business day. Filing Options: New registrants will receive their first list the following month in which registration takes place. Termination is required only if the buyer chooses to terminate the registration before the end of their anniversary date. Buyer Information: The buyer's name and mailing address must be clearly listed on the registration form. The name and phone number of a contact person, is required. An email address is required if the buyer is requesting email notification. Email List Distribution: Email notifications will include a link to the monthly lists. The email is sent the following month in which registration takes place, and every month thereafter. Buyers will be able to view lists in their "Download Inventory" located in the Minnesota Business and Lien System (MBLS). You have the option to view your monthly list in two formats: Excel spreadsheet is a single file in comma-delimited format where filtering, sorting and searching can be done. PDF where you can look up a debtor name using an index that will be provided. Paper List Distribution: Each Monthly list issuance is a complete list. Contains all products, counties and crop years. An index will be provided to look up a debtor name. American LegalNet, Inc. Filing Fee: Email: Total Fee is $25. Paper: $400 plus $25 registration fee. Total Fee is $425 Please make checks payable to the MN Secretary of State. Mail form and fee to: Minnesota Secretary of State - UCC Retirement Systems of Minnesota Building 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 St. Paul MN 55103 If you have any questions, please call 651-296-2803 (Twin Cities area); or 1-877-551-6767 (Greater Minnesota) and press option 4 for assistance. Phone lines are open between 9 a.m. 4 p.m. M-F, excluding holidays. All the information on this form is public. Minnesota law requires certain information to be provided for this type of filing. If that information is not included, your document may be returned unfiled. This document can be made available in alternative formats, such as large print, Braille or audio tape, by calling (651)296-2803/voice. For TTY/TTD (deaf and hard of hearing) communications, contact the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529 and ask them to place a call to (651)296-2803. The Secretary of State's Office does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, disability, religion, reliance on public assistance or political opinions or affiliations in employment or the provision of service. 12/2/2014 American LegalNet, Inc.