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Importer Price Filing Forms Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in Alcohol And Gambling Enforcement Division Statewide.
Tags: Importer Price Filing Forms, PS-9100, Minnesota Statewide, Alcohol And Gambling Enforcement Division
Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street Suite 222 St. Paul, MN 55101 (651) 201-7507 TDD (651) 282-6555 Fax (651) 297-5259 MONTHLY PRICE FILING Please be advised that you are required to file a complete set of prices for each month you have a change. This information must be filled out on the Minnesota Price Filing Form. If you do not have any changes, you are required to submit the short form, below, which will continue to be in effect for that month. CHAPTER 7515.0320, SUBD. 2 No importer shall offer any intoxicating liquor for sale to any Minnesota wholesaler or manufacturer without first filing with the department and mailing an itemized list specifying the price, brand, type, container size, proof, and the age of the liquor offered, to all Minnesota manufacturers and wholesalers, on a form approved by the commissioner. These prices must be filed on the first day of the month and shall become effective on the first day of the next calendar month and shall remain in effect until changed by a subsequent price filing, which shall take effect in like manner. American LegalNet, Inc. Minnesota Monthly Price Filing Short Form Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street Suite 222 St. Paul, MN 55101 (651) 201-7507 TDD (651) 282-6555 Fax (651) 297-5259 In compliance with Chapter 7515.0320, Subp. 2, Minnesota Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division Rules, the below-named importer adopts by reference its most recent detailed price registration filed with the Department on __________________________ (mm/dd/yy), and affirms that said registration without exception, will remain unchanged and in effect during the month of __________________________ (mm/yy). IMPORTER: ________________________________________________ BY: ______________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. Minnesota Monthly Price Filing Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street Suite 222 St. Paul, MN 55116 (651) 201-7505 TDD (651) 282-6555 Fax (651) 297-5259 IMPORTER: MONTH OF: ORIGIN / CLASS / TYPE BRAND PROOF / AGE YEAR: Units Per Case 1.75L Liter Quart 750mL 500mL Pint 200mL Other FOB Point Units Per Case 1.75L Liter Quart 750mL 500mL Pint 200mL Other FOB Point Units Per Case 1.75L Liter Quart 750mL 500mL Pint 200mL Other FOB Point Units Per Case 1.75L Liter Quart 750mL 500mL Pint 200mL Other FOB Point American LegalNet, Inc. Old FOB Price New FOB Price Allowance If Any Old FOB Price New FOB Price Allowance If Any Old FOB Price New FOB Price Allowance If Any Old FOB Price New FOB Price Allowance If Any