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Notice Of Related Appeal Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in Appellate Law Statewide.
Tags: Notice Of Related Appeal, 103C, Minnesota Statewide, Appellate Law
FORM 103C. NOTICE OF RELATED APPEAL (COURT OF APPEALS) STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DISTRICT COURT JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASE TITLE: Plaintiff vs. DISTRICT COURT CASE NUMBER: Defendant. DATE OF ORDER OR JUDGMENT BEING CHALLENGED: APPELLATE COURT FILE NUMBER: TO: Clerk of Appellate Courts 305 Minnesota Judicial Center 25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55155 Please take notice that the above-named [plaintiff/defendant] (state full name) appeals to the Minnesota Court of Appeals and seeks review of the (specify order or judgment by title) of the ___________ court, which was [filed/entered] on the date noted above and [granting/denying (describe nature of ruling, such as plaintiff's motion for a new trial on liability)]. DATED: NAME OF [PARTY FILING RELATED APPEAL] AND ATTORNEY (IF APPLICABLE), ADDRESS (INCLUDING ZIP CODE), TELEPHONE NUMBER, EMAIL ADDRESS (IF AVAILABLE), AND ATTORNEY REGISTRATION LICENSE NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE). NAME OF [APPELLANT] AND ATTORNEY (IF APPLICABLE), ADDRESS (INCLUDING ZIP CODE), TELEPHONE NUMBER, EMAIL ADDRESS (IF AVAILABLE) NOTICE OF RELATED APPEAL TO COURT OF APPEALS SIGNATURE [OF CROSS-APPELLANT, OR ATTORNEY IF REPRESENTED] American LegalNet, Inc. (The district court caption is used on the notice of appeal and any notice of related appeal. Subsequent documents shall bear the appropriate appellate court caption. RCAP 103.02, subd. 1, specifies the contents of the notice of related appeal and filings required to perfect an appeal, including filing fees. RCAP 104.01, subd. 4, specifies time limits for filing and service of the notice of related appeal. This document must be accompanied by a completed statement of the case. RCAP 133.03.) Advisory Committee Comment--2009 Amendments This Form 103C is new as part of the amendments deleting Rule 106 and abolishing the notice of review and substituting the notice of related appeal. The caption provides information about the earlier appeal to which the later appeal related, including identification of the date of the order or judgment to be reviewed and the appellate court file number of that action, if known. American LegalNet, Inc.