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NOTICE REGARDING ORAL ARGUMENTS IN THE COURT OF APPEALS To ensure that you are available for oral argument, you must advise the court, in writing, of any potential conflicts with your schedule. You may give notice of potential scheduling conflicts either by letter or with this form. The scheduling of oral argument occurs as soon as possible after the first responsive brief is filed. See Minn. App. Spec. R. Pract. 1. Thus, you should advise the court of any scheduling conflicts by not later than the due date of the first responsive brief. Oral arguments typically are set for a date between one and two months after the date on which scheduling occurs. Thus, you should consider your schedule for the first two months after the due date of the first responsive brief and for an additional three months. In addition, you have a continuing duty to update the court of additional potential scheduling conflicts that later arise. If you fail to notify the court of a potential scheduling conflict before a case is scheduled, a request to reschedule the oral argument will be granted only "upon a showing of extreme emergency," Minn. App. Spec. R. Pract. 2, � 3, which generally does not include reasons that were known or foreseeable before the date on which scheduling occurs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Case Name: __________________________________________________________________ Case No.: ________________________________ Attorney Providing Information: _____________________________________ Which Party Does Attorney Represent?: _______________________________ Check One: ______ ______ Unavailable for oral arguments on: ______________________ OR No conflicts to be considered in setting oral arguments __________________________________ (signature) Date: ________________ Copies served on: ____________________________________________________(name) at ____________________________________________________________________(address) Personally/By Mail (select one) on ______________________________________(date) Return to: Clerk of the Appellate Courts 305 Minnesota Judicial Center 25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55155 DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO SUBMIT OTHER INFORMATION, INCLUDING CHANGE OF ADDRESS Revised September 2011 American LegalNet, Inc.