Order Waiving Post Placement Assessment
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Order Waiving Post Placement Assessment Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Order Waiving Post Placement Assessment, ADO-211, Minnesota Statewide, District Court
State of Minnesota County Judicial District: Court File Number: Case Type: District Court Adoption � Stepparent In Re the Petition of: , Petitioner/Parent and , Petitioner/Stepparent To Adopt: , (child's current name) , (child's current name) . (child's current name) Order Waiving Post-Placement Assessment Based upon the Ex Parte Motion and Affidavit of petitioners, and upon all the files and records herein, and based upon the best interests of the above-named child(ren), the Court now makes the following order: 1. The Post-Placement Assessment and Report is waived as permitted under Minnesota Statues � 259.53, subd. 5. 2. However, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes � 259.53, subd. 2(c), County Social Services shall conduct a background check on all persons age 13 or older residing in the home, which shall include fingerprints, as required under Minnesota Statutes � 259.41, subds. 1-3, and � 245C.33, and shall file the results with Court within thirty (30) days of the date of this Order. 3. The Petitioners shall cooperate in the completion of the background check by supplying the information and authorizations required under Minnesota Statutes � 259.41, subds. 1-3, and � 245C.33 4. A final hearing on this matter shall be scheduled forthwith and at least ten (10) working days notice shall be given to the local social services agency as required under Minnesota Statutes � 259.53, subd. 5. Dated: BY THE COURT: Judge of District Court ADO211 State ENG Rev 7/15 www.mncourts.gov/forms Page 1 of 1 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com