Request For Continuance
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Request For Continuance Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Request For Continuance, CSX-1402, Minnesota Statewide, District Court
CSX1402 State ENG Rev 7/ 1 of 2State of Minnesota District Court County of:Select County Judicial District: Court File Number: Case Type: Petitioner (first, middle, last) and Respondent (first, middle, last) In Re the Marriage of: Intervenor Request for ContinuanceNoticePetitioner: First Middle Last Street Address Apt. No. City State Zip Code E-mail Address Respondent: First Middle Last Street Address Apt. No. City State Zip Code E-mail Address American LegalNet, Inc. CSX1402 State ENG Rev 7/ 2 of 2County Attorney's Office: Name of County Attorney Street Address Suite No. City State Zip Code E-mail Address I, (Name of Party), request a continuance of the hearing scheduled for (Date: Month, Day, Year)at (Time) (a.m./p.m.)because: (check either Number 1 or Number 2) 1.All parties have agreed to a continuance. 2.I understand that if all parties have not agreed to a continuance, pursuant toExpedited Child Support Rule 364.05, I must explain why a continuance is needed. I request a continuance because: Death or incapacitating illness of a party or attorney. Lack of proper notice of the hearing. Other (please explain) Notice to Other Parties: You have a right to object to this Request for Continuance. If you object, you must serve upon all parties and file with the court a written letter stating why you object. Dated: Signature Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone: E-mail address: Attorney for: American LegalNet, Inc.