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Petition To Enter Plea Of Guilty In Felony Or Gross Misdemeanor Case Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Petition To Enter Plea Of Guilty In Felony Or Gross Misdemeanor Case, CRM-101, Minnesota Statewide, District Court
State of Minnesota
District Court
Judicial District:
Court File Number:
Case Type:
Petition to Enter Plea of Guilty
in Felony or Gross Misdemeanor
Case Pursuant to Rule 15
respectfully represent and state as follows:
, Defendant in the above-entitled action, do
1. My full name is
date of birth is
school is
. I am
years old, my
. The last grade that I went through in
2. If filed in my case, I have received, read and discussed a copy of the (Indictment)
3. I understand the charge(s) made against me in this case.
4. Specifically, I understand that I have been charged with the crime(s) of
committed on or about
County, Minnesota.
5. I am represented by an attorney whose name is
a. I feel that I have had sufficient time to discuss my case with my attorney.
b. I am satisfied that my attorney is fully informed as to the facts of this case.
c. My attorney has discussed possible defenses to the crime that I might have.
d. I am satisfied that my attorney has represented my interests and has fully advised me.
6. I
have /
have never been a patient in a mental hospital.
I have / have not talked with or been treated by a psychiatrist or other person for a
nervous or mental condition.
have /
have not been ill recently.
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I do / do not make the claim that I was so drunk or so under the influence of drugs or
medicine that I did not know what I was doing at the time of the crime.
I do / do not make the claim that I was acting in self-defense or merely protecting
myself or others at the time of the crime.
I do / do not make the claim that the fact I have been held in jail since my arrest and
could not post bail caused me to decide to plead guilty in order to get the thing over with
rather than waiting for my turn at trial.
I was / was not represented by an attorney when I had a probable cause hearing.
have not had a probable cause hearing
a. I know that I could now move that the complaint against me be dismissed for lack of
probable cause and I know that if I do not make such a motion and go ahead with
entering my plea of guilty, I waive all right to successfully object to the absence of a
probable cause hearing.
b. I also know that I waive all right to successfully object to any errors in the probable
cause hearing when I enter my plea of guilty.
My attorney has told me and I understand:
a. That the prosecutor for the case against me, has:
i. physical evidence obtained as a result of searching for and seizing the evidence;
ii. evidence in the form of statements, oral or written that I made to police or others
regarding this crime;
iii. evidence discovered as a result of my statements or as a result of the evidence
seized in a search;
iv. identification evidence from a line-up or photographic identification;
v. evidence the prosecution believes indicates that I committed one or more other
b. That I have a right to a pre-trial hearing before a judge to determine whether or not the
evidence the prosecution has could be used against me if I went to trial in this case.
c. That if I requested such a pre-trial hearing I could testify at the hearing if I wanted to,
but my testimony could not be used as substantive evidence against me if I went to trial
in this case.
d. That I do / do not now request such a pre-trial hearing and I specifically do /
do not now waive my right to have such a pre-trial hearing.
e. That whether or not I have had such a hearing I will not be able to object tomorrow or
any other time to the evidence that the prosecutor has.
I have been told by my attorney and I understand:
a. That if I wish to plead not guilty I am entitled to a trial by a jury on the issue of guilt,
and all jurors would have to agree I was guilty before the jury could find me guilty.
b. That if I plead guilty I will not have a trial by either a jury or by a judge without a jury.
c. That with knowledge of my right to a trial on the issue of guilt, I now waive my right to
a trial.
I have been told by my attorney and I understand that if I wish to plead not guilty and have
a trial by jury or trial by a judge I would be presumed innocent until my guilt is proved
beyond a reasonable doubt.
have /
have not recently been taking pills or other medicines.
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I have been told by my attorney and understand:
a. That if I wish to plead not guilty and have a trial the prosecutor would be required to
have the witnesses testify against me in open court in my presence and that I would
have the right, through my attorney, to question these witnesses.
b. That with knowledge of my right to have the prosecution’s witnesses testify in open
court in my presence and questioned by my attorney, I now waive this right.
I have been told by my attorney and I understand:
a. That if I wish to plead not guilty and have a trial I would be entitled to require any
witnesses that I think are favorable to me to appear and testify at trial.
b. That with knowledge of my right to require favorable witnesses to appear and testify at
trial I now waive this right.
I have been told by my attorney and I under stand:
a. That a person who has prior convictions or a prior conviction can be given a longer
prison term because of this.
b. That the maximum penalty that the court could impose for this crime (taking into
consideration any prior conviction or convictions) is imprisonment for years. That if
a minimum sentence is required by statute the court may impose a sentence of
imprisonment of not less than
months for this crime.
c. That for felony driving while impaired offenses and most sex offenses, a mandatory
period of conditional release will follow any executed prison sentence that is imposed.
Violating the terms of this conditional release may increase the time I serve in prison.
In this case, the period of conditional release is ______ years.
d. That a person who participates in a crime by intentionally aiding, advising, counseling
and conspiring with another person or persons to commit a crime is just as guilty of that
crime as the person or persons who are present and participating in the crime when it is
actually committed.
e. That my present probation or parole could be revoked because of the plea of guilty to
this crime.
f. That the prosecutor is seeking an aggravated sentence of ________________________
I have been told by my attorney and understand:
a. That my attorney discussed this case with one of the prosecuting attorneys and that my
attorney and the prosecuting attorney agreed that if I entered a plea of guilty, the
prosecutor will do the following:
(Give substance of the agreement)
b. That if the court does not approve this agreement:
i. I have an absolute right to then withdraw my plea of guilty and have a trial.
ii. Any testimony that I have given concerning the guilty plea could not be used
against me unless I am charged with the crime of perjury based on this testimony.
That except for the agreement between my attorney and the prosecuting attorney:
a. No one – including my attorney, any police officer, prosecutor, judge, or any other
person - has made any promises to me, to any member of my family, to any of my
friends or other persons, in order to obtain a plea of guilty from me.
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b. No one – including my attorney, any police officer, prosecutor or judge, or any other
person – has threatened me, or any member of my family or my friends or other
persons, in order to obtain a plea of guilty from me.
My attorney has told me and I understand that if my plea of guilty is for any reason not
accepted by the court, or if I withdraw the plea with the court’s approval, or if the plea is
withdrawn by court order on appeal or other review:
a. I would then stand trial on the original charge (charges).
b. The prosecution could proceed against me just as if there had been no plea of guilty and
no plea agreement.
My attorney has told me and I understand that if my plea of guilty is accepted by the judge
I have the right to appeal, but that any appeal or other court action I may take claiming
error in the proceedings probably would be useless and a waste of my time and the court’s.
My attorney has told me and I understand that a judge will not accept a plea of guilty for
anyone who claims to be innocent.
I now make no claim that I am innocent.
I have been told by my attorney and I understand that if I wish to plead not guilty and have
a jury trial:
a. That I could testify at trial if I wanted to but I could not be forced to testify.
b. That if I decided not to testify neither the prosecutor nor the judge could comment on
my failure to testify.
c. That with knowledge of my right not to testify and that neither the judge nor the
prosecutor could comment on my failure to testify at trial I now waive (give up) this
right and I will tell the judge the facts of the crime.
My attorney has told me and I understand that if I am not a citizen of the United States this
plea of guilty may result in deportation, exclusion from admission to the United States of
America or denial of citizenship.
That in view of all above facts and considerations I wish to enter a plea of guilty.
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