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State of Minnesota County Judicial District: Court File Number: Case Type: District Court ___________________________________, Name of Petitioner (first, middle, last) ___________________________________, Name of Co- Petitioner, if any (first, middle, last) and SUMMONS FOR THIRD PARTY CUSTODY Minn. Stat. Ch. 257C ___________________________________, Name of Respondent Parent A (first, middle, last) ___________________________________, Name of Respondent Parent B (first, middle, last) ___________________________________. Name of Respondent Guardian or Custodian (first, middle, last) TO THE ABOVE-NAMED Respondents: IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Petitioner has filed a lawsuit against you to ask for custody of the following minor children: ____________________________________, BORN ___________________________; ____________________________________, BORN ___________________________; ____________________________________, BORN ___________________________; ____________________________________, BORN ___________________________; A COPY OF THE PETITION FOR THIRD PARTY CUSTODY IS SERVED ON YOU WITH THIS SUMMONS. THIS SUMMONS IS AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS, EVEN IF IT DOES NOT HAVE A COURT FILE NUMBER LISTED. READ THIS SUMMONS AND ATTACHED PETITION CAREFULLY. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, CONTACT AN ATTORNEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. CHC602 State ENG 5/17 Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. 1. The Petitioner has filed a lawsuit against you asking the Court to give Petitioner custody of the minor children. 2. You must serve upon Petitioner and file with the Court a written Answer to the Petition, and you must pay the required filing fee unless it is waived by the Court. Answer forms are available on the Minnesota Judicial Branch webpage at 3. You must serve your Answer upon the Petitioner within twenty (20) days of the date you were served with this Summons, not counting the day of service. If you do not serve and file an Answer, the Court may decide custody and give Petitioner everything he or she is asking for in the attached Petition. DATE: _____________ Street Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone: E-mail address: ________________________________________________ Signature of Petitioner, self-representative litigant (SRL) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ DATE: _____________ Street Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone: E-mail address: ________________________________________________ Signature of Co-Petitioner, self-representative litigant (SRL) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ CHC602 State ENG 5/17 Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.