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Guardianship Plan Form. This is a Minnesota form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Guardianship Plan, Minnesota Statewide, District Court
Ward’s Name:_______________________
Date of Plan __________________
Court File number ___________________
Date of Appointment ___________
Guardianship Plan
Powers of Guardianship (Check all powers granted by the court.)
____Custody of the ward/place of abode
____Care, comfort, and maintenance needs
____Care of personal property
____Medical care
____Supervisory authority
____Government benefits
Custody and Abode:
Do you foresee the need (at present or in the future) to establish a new abode? Please explain
why? Is court approval required?
Note: A ward cannot be admitted to a regional treatment center by the guardian except, under
commitment or for less than 90 days in a calendar year.
Care, Comfort and Maintenance:
Are there issues, or current needs regarding food, clothing, shelter, health, social or recreational
requirements, training, education, habilitation or rehabilitation?
Care of personal effects:
What personal effects (clothing, furniture, vehicles etc) need maintaining or supervision?
Note: Per the statute the Guardian must give notice by mail to ward and interested persons prior
to the disposal of the ward's clothing, furniture, vehicles, or other personal effects
Medical Care:
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What types of medical conditions, treatments, counseling, or other services are needed?
Note: A ward cannot be admitted to a regional treatment center by the guardian except, under
commitment, or for less than 90 days in a calendar year.
Is there an existing Health Care Directive that provides instructions for medical care? Is there a
named agent who needs to be consulted with or revoked?
Are there any conscientious, religious, or moral beliefs or any other known perspective/attitudes
the ward holds that would affect consent to medical treatments, counseling or other services etc?
Note: The guardian shall not consent to any medical care for the ward which violates the known
conscientious, religious, or moral belief of the ward. The guardian shall not consent to electro
convulsive therapy (ECT), sterilization, psychosurgery, or experimental treatment without further
order of the court.
What types of contracts may need to be maintained, cancelled, or altered? If the guardian does not
have the power of contract, who does?
Supervisory Authority:
What types of restrictions do you foresee having to implement on behalf of the ward and why?
Application of Government Benefits:
If there is no current conservator, the guardian may need to apply for benefits. Are there any
financial assistance programs that the ward may be eligible for? (Medicare A, B, D; Veteran’s
Benefits, Food Stamps, MA, etc)
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Are there areas of concern that need to be addressed and monitored in the ward’s functioning
and/or their work, family, or social network? List ideas about how to address these complexities.
What hobbies or interests does the ward have?
Does the ward retain the right to vote?
List any personal information pertaining to the ward that may impact your interactions with the
ward and affect your planning for them. (e.g., religion, cultural perspectives, military background,
history of abuse etc.)
What are your short-term goals for the ward/guardianship? (e.g., move to/from SNF, arrange
assisted living residence, address financial exploitation with adult protection, etc.)
What are your long-term goals for the ward? (e.g. work towards restoration to capacity,
maintaining a safe home care plan, etc.)
American LegalNet, Inc.