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State of Minnesota County of __________________ District Court Probate Division Judicial District: ________________ Court File No. ___________________ Case Type: 14, Conservatorship In Re: Conservatorship of _______________________________, Protected Person Order Directing Sale of Real Property The petition of the conservator to sell real estate herein having been duly heard on ________________________________, and the Court having determined that a sale is necessary and expedient, IT IS ORDERED, that the conservator hereby is directed to sell at private sale the following described real estate situated in ________________________ (county), Minnesota: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that said real estate need not be re-appraised if sold within six months of the date of the last court ordered appraisal, and, if sold after that date, the said real estate shall be re-appraised by ___________________________________________ and__________________________________________________; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the general conservator shall file additional bond in the amount of $ ________________________ conditioned as provided by law; and that immediately upon making such sale, the general conservator shall file a report thereof. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that if the protected person is a recipient of medical assistance, all costs, expenses and fees reasonably connected to the sale, including attorney's fees, conservator fees, expenses and court costs, shall be paid out of the real estate proceeds prior to reimbursing Medical Assistance for benefits paid. Dated:_____________________ ________________________________ Judge of the District Court GAC 23-U State ENG Rev 12/03 Page 1 of 1 American LegalNet, Inc.